snipe / snipe-it

A free open source IT asset/license management system
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Autoassign Predefined Asset Tag based on Category/Company/etc #3286

Open ryanesizemore opened 7 years ago

ryanesizemore commented 7 years ago

Love this project, turned out better than all of the paid services I found. I want to suggest the option for Snipe-IT to be able to automatically fill in the Asset Tag info based on a predefined scheme that the admin sets, such as "companynameXXXXX", so that the next asset automatically is set to the next number in the sequence and ready for label generation. Could also be linked to the Categories to have specific Asset Tag generations by Asset Type.

ecim-it commented 3 years ago

Hello everybody! Just had following thoughts on that topic, what I think would also help a lot on site...

Yes, a custom prefix would be very helpful, since we have multiple companies to manage on one side, but on the other you have also different devices. For now - if I understand it right - the System will give the next number in line on a created asset despite the brand or company, which is very confusing.

So here me out:

I would imagine a formula-system for the auto-incrementing asset ID, which would look like follows:

1) Defining a prefix for each company (for example max 2 or 3 capitals, for "Company A" CA, for "Company B" CB). This could be accomplished and pre-defined under the details, where you create companies.

2) For each device category you could do this as well (like PR for printer or C for computer) This could be accomplished and pre-defined under the categories.

3) Other formula-options could be implemented as well, like the year, the asset was bought (last 2 numbers of the year)

4) The next number of the ID in the formula (length pre-defined - for example: 5 digits - and looked up in an table by the system)

So in the end, we could create a formula like -> company prefix+device category+year+number

This would look like CAC2100001, the next computer from Company A CAC2100001, but if next item is the first computer of Company B CBC00001

That way, on-site technicians and helpdesk-employees could have a glimpse of information according the ID without looking up the details.

I'm unfortunately not capable of programing, so I can just share my ideas... :-) Any supporters of that?

PetriAsi commented 3 years ago

@ecim-it Your prefix generation ideas are nice and can be technically implemented. Although it's not usually wise to collect asset information to tags that should be static after creation. If there need to correct, example year device was bought, tag will change.

I'm still seeing this issue can be resolved by rules to generate device names not tags, as suggested earlier here. Rules can be complex if needed and by company / category / etc. Then it's up to user to use device name on sticker instead of tag.

Alaknar commented 2 years ago

Our company has tags based on location and device type so this feature would be amazing to have.

I think the easiest way of implementing that would be to just let us set up the prefix on the asset creation screen. Say, type in the first asset's tag as {DEVLOC}0001 so Snipe-IT could pull whatever's in the curly braces, copy it over and then increment the proceeding number.

marcoezzy commented 2 years ago

We need to create tags with a fix name, category, asset tag and purchase year... so I would also leave a +1 for this feature...

QveenSi-zz commented 2 years ago

Yes, yes, we also have different tag prefixes based on the category. +1

mni1000 commented 2 years ago

+1 on this, any updates?

jwaller-ecc commented 2 years ago

Also +1.

achuet commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this feature, please

noaht8um commented 11 months ago

+1 Use case is asset management for multiple companies as an MSP (Managed Services Provider).

datavizzard commented 1 month ago

I agree with most of the previous speakers here, for me one prefix per company would be enough. Then the asset number would remain the same for the internal system but each asset would be more clearly assignable. That is a real problem. This also affects companies that have several facilities or locations.

This is a real problem and prevents the implementation of Snipe It for some.