Closed robinjosekm closed 4 years ago
👋 Thanks for opening your first issue here! If you're reporting a 🐞 bug, please make sure you include steps to reproduce it. We get a lot of issues on this repo, so please be patient and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Looks like migrations didn’t run. What’s the output when you r8n the upgrade script?
Hi, Below is output I got while running upgrade.php script
snipe-it]$ php upgrade.php Welcome to the Snipe-IT upgrader.
Please note that this script will not download the latest Snipe-IT files for you unless you have git installed. It simply runs the standard composer and artisan commands needed to finalize the upgrade after.
-- Starting backup... Dumping database snipedb... Determining files to backup... Zipping 87 files... Created zip containing 87 files. Size is 163.27 KB Copying zip to disk named local... Successfully copied zip to disk named local. Copying zip failed because: Expected response code 250 but got code "530", with message "530 Authentication required ". Backup failed because Expected response code 250 but got code "530", with message "530 Authentication required ".
Backup failed because: Expected response code 250 but got code "530", with message "530 Authentication required ".
In AbstractSmtpTransport.php line 457:
Expected response code 250 but got code "530", with message "530 Authentication required
-- Application is now in maintenance mode.
Git is installed. remote: Enumerating objects: 721, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (721/721), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (139/139), done. remote: Total 1057 (delta 641), reused 654 (delta 582), pack-reused 336 Receiving objects: 100% (1057/1057), 359.55 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (773/773), completed with 307 local objects. From b9e1946..2844800 master -> origin/master 4bd140c..bbd7a75 develop -> origin/develop
*** Please tell me who you are.
git config --global "" git config --global "Your Name"
to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.
-- No bootstrap/cache/compiled.php, so nothing to delete. -- Deleting bootstrap/cache/services.php. It it no longer used. -- Deleting bootstrap/cache/config.php. It it no longer used. -- In AuthServiceProvider.php line 92:
Call to undefined method Laravel\Passport\Passport::withCookieSerialization()
-- In AuthServiceProvider.php line 92:
Call to undefined method Laravel\Passport\Passport::withCookieSerialization()
-- In AuthServiceProvider.php line 92:
Call to undefined method Laravel\Passport\Passport::withCookieSerialization()
-- In AuthServiceProvider.php line 92:
Call to undefined method Laravel\Passport\Passport::withCookieSerialization()
-- Local composer.phar detected, so we'll use that.
-- Updating local composer.phar
A new stable major version of Composer is available (2.0.4), run "composer self-update --2" to update to it. See also for changelogs.
Downloading (100%)
Use composer self-update --rollback to return to version 1.10.13
Updating to version 1.10.17 (1 channel).
Deprecation Notice: Class ParsedownTest located in ./vendor/erusev/parsedown/test/ParsedownTest.php does not comply with psr-0 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer v2.0. in phar:///path/to/docroot/snipe-it/composer.phar/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php:201
Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies from lock file Package operations: 26 installs, 47 updates, 11 removals
- Removing symfony/polyfill-util (v1.16.0)
- Removing symfony/polyfill-php70 (v1.16.0)
- Removing symfony/polyfill-php56 (v1.16.0)
- Removing schuppo/password-strength (v1.13)
- Removing predis/predis (v1.1.1)
- Removing mtdowling/cron-expression (v1.2.3)
- Removing kylekatarnls/update-helper (1.2.1)
- Removing jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter (v0.4)
- Removing jakub-onderka/php-console-color (v0.2)
- Removing dasprid/enum (1.0.0)
- Removing alek13/slack (1.11.0)
- Downgrading bacon/bacon-qr-code (2.0.0 => 1.0.3): Checking out 5a91b62b9d
- Updating symfony/finder (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out 5729f943f9
- Updating symfony/debug (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out 346636d2ca
- Downgrading symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.16.0 => v1.15.0): Checking out 37b0976c78
- Downgrading symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.16.0 => v1.15.0): Checking out 81ffd3a9c6
- Updating symfony/var-dumper (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out 5a0c2d9300
- Downgrading maximebf/debugbar (v1.16.3 => v1.16.2): Checking out 40f375504a
- Downgrading symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.16.0 => v1.15.0): Checking out 4719fa9c18
- Installing phpoption/phpoption (1.7.3): Cloning 4acfd6a4b3
- Updating vlucas/phpdotenv (v2.6.4 => v3.6.3): Checking out 1b31030137
- Updating symfony/css-selector (v3.1.10 => v4.4.7): Checking out afc26133a6
- Updating symfony/routing (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out 0f562fa613
- Updating symfony/process (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out 3e40e87a20
- Installing symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.15.0): Cloning 0f27e9f464
- Downgrading symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.16.0 => v1.15.0): Checking out 47bd6aa45b
- Installing symfony/mime (v4.4.7): Cloning 6dde9dc701
- Updating symfony/http-foundation (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out 62f92509c9
- Installing symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v1.1.7): Cloning c43ab68567
- Updating symfony/event-dispatcher (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out abc8e3618b
- Installing symfony/error-handler (v4.4.7): Cloning 7e9828fc98
- Updating symfony/http-kernel (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out f356a489e5
- Installing symfony/service-contracts (v1.1.8): Cloning ffc7f56920
- Updating symfony/console (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out 10bb3ee3c9
- Downgrading symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.16.0 => v1.15.0): Checking out ad6d62792b
- Updating doctrine/lexer (1.0.2 => 1.2.0): Checking out 5242d66dbe
- Updating paragonie/random_compat (v2.0.18 => v9.99.99): Checking out 84b4dfb120
- Installing opis/closure (3.5.1): Cloning 93ebc5712c
- Installing symfony/translation-contracts (v1.1.7): Cloning 364518c132
- Updating symfony/translation (v3.4.40 => v4.4.7): Checking out 4e54d336f2
- Updating nesbot/carbon (1.39.1 => 2.32.2): The package has modified files: M bin/upgrade-carbon Discard changes [y,n,v,d,s,?]? ? y - discard changes and apply the update n - abort the update and let you manually clean things up v - view modified files d - view local modifications (diff) s - stash changes and try to reapply them after the update ? - print help Discard changes [y,n,v,d,s,?]? y Checking out f10e22cf54
- Updating monolog/monolog (1.25.3 => 2.0.2): Checking out c861fcba2c
- Installing league/commonmark (1.4.1): Cloning c995966d35
- Installing dragonmantank/cron-expression (v2.3.0): Cloning 72b6fbf76a
- Updating laravel/framework (v5.5.49 => v6.18.10): Checking out 9177744ccd
- Downgrading barryvdh/laravel-debugbar (v3.3.3 => v3.3.2): Checking out 95c31aab33
- Updating doctrine/collections (v1.5.0 => 1.6.4): Checking out 6b1e4b2b66
- Updating doctrine/dbal (v2.9.0 => 2.10.2): Checking out aab745e7b6
- Updating symfony/psr-http-message-bridge (v1.2.0 => v2.0.0): Checking out ce709cd9c9
- Installing psr/http-factory (1.0.1): Cloning 12ac7fcd07
- Installing php-http/message-factory (v1.0.2): Cloning a478cb11f6
- Installing nyholm/psr7 (1.2.1): Cloning 55ff6b7657
- Updating league/oauth2-server (6.1.1 => 8.0.0): Checking out e1dc4d708c
- Installing laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge (1.0.3): Cloning bfbbdb6c99
- Updating laminas/laminas-diactoros (1.8.7 => 2.2.3): Checking out b596c7141f
- Updating laravel/passport (v4.0.3 => v8.4.4): Checking out dd4b1d96eb
- Updating psy/psysh (v0.9.12 => v0.10.3): Checking out 2bde2fa03e
- Updating laravel/tinker (v1.0.10 => v2.4.0): Checking out cde90a7335
- Updating laravelcollective/html (v5.5.4 => v6.0.3): Checking out bcc317d21a
- Downgrading phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.1.0 => 2.0.0): Checking out 63a995caa1
- Updating phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.0.1 => 1.1.0): Checking out 7462d5f123
- Updating phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (4.3.4 => 5.1.0): Checking out cd72d394ca
- Updating pragmarx/google2fa (v5.0.0 => 8.0.0): Checking out 26c4c5cf30
- Updating rollbar/rollbar (v1.8.1 => v2.0.0): Checking out 245670b32d
- Updating rollbar/rollbar-laravel (v2.4.3 => v6.0.0): Checking out 11df7e1931
- Updating sebastian/diff (2.0.1 => 3.0.2): Checking out 720fcc7e9b
- Updating sebastian/comparator (2.1.3 => 3.0.2): Checking out 5de4fc177a
- Updating spatie/temporary-directory (1.1.5 => 1.2.2): Checking out fcb127e615
- Updating spatie/db-dumper (2.13.1 => 2.16.0): Checking out 7c6d3b7f71
- Updating spatie/laravel-backup (5.12.1 => 6.9.0): Checking out d92ff3a676
- Updating tightenco/ziggy (v0.7.1 => v0.9.0): Checking out 5344605c9f
- Updating watson/validating (3.3.0 => 4.0.0): Checking out b8731af37e
- Installing tightenco/collect (v7.6.1): Cloning 4b6a215656
- Installing adldap2/adldap2 (v10.2.3): Cloning 2baffac2df
- Installing laravel/helpers (v1.2.0): Cloning 1f978fc5da
- Installing laravel/slack-notification-channel (v2.0.2): Cloning ecc90a7079
- Installing mtdowling/jmespath.php (2.5.0): Cloning 52168cb947
- Installing aws/aws-sdk-php (3.135.1): Cloning 59587a4f3f
- Installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (1.0.24): Cloning 4382036bde
- Installing psr/cache (1.0.1): Cloning d11b50ad22
- Installing league/flysystem-cached-adapter (1.0.9): Cloning 08ef74e9be
- Installing maknz/slack (1.7.0): Cloning 7f21fefc70
- Installing robrichards/xmlseclibs (3.1.0): Cloning 8d8e56ca79
- Installing onelogin/php-saml (3.4.1): Cloning 5fbf348670 Generating optimized autoload files Deprecation Notice: Class ParsedownTest located in ./vendor/erusev/parsedown/test/ParsedownTest.php does not comply with psr-0 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer v2.0. in phar:///path/to/docroot/snipe-it/composer.phar/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php:201 Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump 12 packages you are using are looking for funding. Use the
composer fund
command to find out more! Generating optimized autoload files Carbon 1 is deprecated, see how to migrate to Carbon 2. You can run './vendor/bin/upgrade-carbon' to get help in updating carbon and other frameworks and libraries that depend on it. Generated optimized autoload files containing 4468 classes
-- Migrating: 2018_07_28_023826_create_checkout_acceptances_table
In Connection.php line 669:
SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'checkout_acceptances' already exists (SQL: create table checkout_acceptances
unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, checkoutable_type
varchar(191) not null, checkoutable_id
bigint unsigned not null, assigned_to_id
unsigned not null, signature_filename
varchar(191) null, accepted_at
timestamp null, declined_at
timestamp null, created_at
timestamp null, upd ated_at
timestamp null, deleted_at
timestamp null) default character set utf8mb4 collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' engine = InnoDB)
In PDOStatement.php line 129:
SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'checkout_acceptances' already exists
In PDOStatement.php line 127:
SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'checkout_acceptances' already exists
-- Configuration cache cleared! Configuration cached successfully! -- Route cache cleared! Routes cached successfully!
-- Application is now live.
Snipe-IT DocumentationSnipe-IT v4 includes a ton of new features and bug fixes, and all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade. For a full list of what's new in V4, click here. Please note that Snipe-IT v4 does require PHP >= 5.6.4. Please see the list of requirements before upgrading.Updating Snipe-IT should normal...
GitHubA free open source IT asset/license management system - snipe/snipe-it
GitHubDependency Manager for PHP. Contribute to composer/composer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Carbon - A simple PHP API extension for DateTime.
Please post the contents of your migrations
mysql> select * from migrations; +-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | id | migration | batch | +-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | 1 | 2012_12_06_225921_migration_cartalyst_sentry_install_users | 1 | | 2 | 2012_12_06_225929_migration_cartalyst_sentry_install_groups | 1 | | 3 | 2012_12_06_225945_migration_cartalyst_sentry_install_users_groups_pivot | 1 | | 4 | 2012_12_06_225988_migration_cartalyst_sentry_install_throttle | 1 | | 5 | 2013_03_23_193214_update_users_table | 1 | | 6 | 2013_11_13_075318_create_models_table | 1 | | 7 | 2013_11_13_075335_create_categories_table | 1 | | 8 | 2013_11_13_075347_create_manufacturers_table | 1 | | 9 | 2013_11_15_015858_add_user_id_to_categories | 1 | | 10 | 2013_11_15_112701_add_user_id_to_manufacturers | 1 | | 11 | 2013_11_15_190327_create_assets_table | 1 | | 12 | 2013_11_15_190357_create_licenses_table | 1 | | 13 | 2013_11_15_201848_add_license_name_to_licenses | 1 | | 14 | 2013_11_16_040323_create_depreciations_table | 1 | | 15 | 2013_11_16_042851_add_depreciation_id_to_models | 1 | | 16 | 2013_11_16_084923_add_user_id_to_models | 1 | | 17 | 2013_11_16_103258_create_locations_table | 1 | | 18 | 2013_11_16_103336_add_location_id_to_assets | 1 | | 19 | 2013_11_16_103407_add_checkedout_to_to_assets | 1 | | 20 | 2013_11_16_103425_create_history_table | 1 | | 21 | 2013_11_17_054359_drop_licenses_table | 1 | | 22 | 2013_11_17_054526_add_physical_to_assets | 1 | | 23 | 2013_11_17_055126_create_settings_table | 1 | | 24 | 2013_11_17_062634_add_license_to_assets | 1 | | 25 | 2013_11_18_134332_add_contacts_to_users | 1 | | 26 | 2013_11_18_142847_add_info_to_locations | 1 | | 27 | 2013_11_18_152942_remove_location_id_from_asset | 1 | | 28 | 2013_11_18_164423_set_nullvalues_for_user | 1 | | 29 | 2013_11_19_013337_create_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 30 | 2013_11_19_061409_edit_added_on_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 31 | 2013_11_19_062250_edit_location_id_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 32 | 2013_11_20_055822_add_soft_delete_on_assets | 1 | | 33 | 2013_11_20_121404_add_soft_delete_on_locations | 1 | | 34 | 2013_11_20_123137_add_soft_delete_on_manufacturers | 1 | | 35 | 2013_11_20_123725_add_soft_delete_on_categories | 1 | | 36 | 2013_11_20_130248_create_status_labels | 1 | | 37 | 2013_11_20_130830_add_status_id_on_assets_table | 1 | | 38 | 2013_11_20_131544_add_status_type_on_status_labels | 1 | | 39 | 2013_11_20_134103_add_archived_to_assets | 1 | | 40 | 2013_11_21_002321_add_uploads_table | 1 | | 41 | 2013_11_21_024531_remove_deployable_boolean_from_status_labels | 1 | | 42 | 2013_11_22_075308_add_option_label_to_settings_table | 1 | | 43 | 2013_11_22_213400_edits_to_settings_table | 1 | | 44 | 2013_11_25_013244_create_licenses_table | 1 | | 45 | 2013_11_25_031458_create_license_seats_table | 1 | | 46 | 2013_11_25_032022_add_type_to_actionlog_table | 1 | | 47 | 2013_11_25_033008_delete_bad_licenses_table | 1 | | 48 | 2013_11_25_033131_create_new_licenses_table | 1 | | 49 | 2013_11_25_033534_add_licensed_to_licenses_table | 1 | | 50 | 2013_11_25_101308_add_warrantee_to_assets_table | 1 | | 51 | 2013_11_25_104343_alter_warranty_column_on_assets | 1 | | 52 | 2013_11_25_150450_drop_parent_from_categories | 1 | | 53 | 2013_11_25_151920_add_depreciate_to_assets | 1 | | 54 | 2013_11_25_152903_add_depreciate_to_licenses_table | 1 | | 55 | 2013_11_26_211820_drop_license_from_assets_table | 1 | | 56 | 2013_11_27_062510_add_note_to_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 57 | 2013_12_01_113426_add_filename_to_asset_log | 1 | | 58 | 2013_12_06_094618_add_nullable_to_licenses_table | 1 | | 59 | 2013_12_10_084038_add_eol_on_models_table | 1 | | 60 | 2013_12_12_055218_add_manager_to_users_table | 1 | | 61 | 2014_01_28_031200_add_qr_code_to_settings_table | 1 | | 62 | 2014_02_13_183016_add_qr_text_to_settings_table | 1 | | 63 | 2014_05_24_093839_alter_default_license_depreciation_id | 1 | | 64 | 2014_05_27_231658_alter_default_values_licenses | 1 | | 65 | 2014_06_19_191508_add_asset_name_to_settings | 1 | | 66 | 2014_06_20_004847_make_asset_log_checkedout_to_nullable | 1 | | 67 | 2014_06_20_005050_make_asset_log_purchasedate_to_nullable | 1 | | 68 | 2014_06_24_003011_add_suppliers | 1 | | 69 | 2014_06_24_010742_add_supplier_id_to_asset | 1 | | 70 | 2014_06_24_012839_add_zip_to_supplier | 1 | | 71 | 2014_06_24_033908_add_url_to_supplier | 1 | | 72 | 2014_07_08_054116_add_employee_id_to_users | 1 | | 73 | 2014_07_09_134316_add_requestable_to_assets | 1 | | 74 | 2014_07_17_085822_add_asset_to_software | 1 | | 75 | 2014_07_17_161625_make_asset_id_in_logs_nullable | 1 | | 76 | 2014_08_12_053504_alpha_0_4_2_release | 1 | | 77 | 2014_08_17_083523_make_location_id_nullable | 1 | | 78 | 2014_10_16_200626_add_rtd_location_to_assets | 1 | | 79 | 2014_10_24_000417_alter_supplier_state_to_32 | 1 | | 80 | 2014_10_24_015641_add_display_checkout_date | 1 | | 81 | 2014_10_28_222654_add_avatar_field_to_users_table | 1 | | 82 | 2014_10_29_045924_add_image_field_to_models_table | 1 | | 83 | 2014_11_01_214955_add_eol_display_to_settings | 1 | | 84 | 2014_11_04_231416_update_group_field_for_reporting | 1 | | 85 | 2014_11_05_212408_add_fields_to_licenses | 1 | | 86 | 2014_11_07_021042_add_image_to_supplier | 1 | | 87 | 2014_11_20_203007_add_username_to_user | 1 | | 88 | 2014_11_20_223947_add_auto_to_settings | 1 | | 89 | 2014_11_20_224421_add_prefix_to_settings | 1 | | 90 | 2014_11_21_104401_change_licence_type | 1 | | 91 | 2014_12_09_082500_add_fields_maintained_term_to_licenses | 1 | | 92 | 2015_02_04_155757_increase_user_field_lengths | 1 | | 93 | 2015_02_07_013537_add_soft_deleted_to_log | 1 | | 94 | 2015_02_10_040958_fix_bad_assigned_to_ids | 1 | | 95 | 2015_02_10_053310_migrate_data_to_new_statuses | 1 | | 96 | 2015_02_11_044104_migrate_make_license_assigned_null | 1 | | 97 | 2015_02_11_104406_migrate_create_requests_table | 1 | | 98 | 2015_02_12_001312_add_mac_address_to_asset | 1 | | 99 | 2015_02_12_024100_change_license_notes_type | 1 | | 100 | 2015_02_17_231020_add_localonly_to_settings | 1 | | 101 | 2015_02_19_222322_add_logo_and_colors_to_settings | 1 | | 102 | 2015_02_24_072043_add_alerts_to_settings | 1 | | 103 | 2015_02_25_022931_add_eula_fields | 1 | | 104 | 2015_02_25_204513_add_accessories_table | 1 | | 105 | 2015_02_26_091228_add_accessories_user_table | 1 | | 106 | 2015_02_26_115128_add_deleted_at_models | 1 | | 107 | 2015_02_26_233005_add_category_type | 1 | | 108 | 2015_03_01_231912_update_accepted_at_to_acceptance_id | 1 | | 109 | 2015_03_05_011929_add_qr_type_to_settings | 1 | | 110 | 2015_03_18_055327_add_note_to_user | 1 | | 111 | 2015_04_29_234704_add_slack_to_settings | 1 | | 112 | 2015_05_04_085151_add_parent_id_to_locations_table | 1 | | 113 | 2015_05_22_124421_add_reassignable_to_licenses | 1 | | 114 | 2015_06_10_003314_fix_default_for_user_notes | 1 | | 115 | 2015_06_10_003554_create_consumables | 1 | | 116 | 2015_06_15_183253_move_email_to_username | 1 | | 117 | 2015_06_23_070346_make_email_nullable | 1 | | 118 | 2015_06_26_213716_create_asset_maintenances_table | 1 | | 119 | 2015_07_04_212443_create_custom_fields_table | 1 | | 120 | 2015_07_09_014359_add_currency_to_settings_and_locations | 1 | | 121 | 2015_07_21_122022_add_expected_checkin_date_to_asset_logs | 1 | | 122 | 2015_07_24_093845_add_checkin_email_to_category_table | 1 | | 123 | 2015_07_25_055415_remove_email_unique_constraint | 1 | | 124 | 2015_07_29_230054_add_thread_id_to_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 125 | 2015_07_31_015430_add_accepted_to_assets | 1 | | 126 | 2015_09_09_195301_add_custom_css_to_settings | 1 | | 127 | 2015_09_21_235926_create_custom_field_custom_fieldset | 1 | | 128 | 2015_09_22_000104_create_custom_fieldsets | 1 | | 129 | 2015_09_22_003321_add_fieldset_id_to_assets | 1 | | 130 | 2015_09_22_003413_migrate_mac_address | 1 | | 131 | 2015_09_28_003314_fix_default_purchase_order | 1 | | 132 | 2015_10_01_024551_add_accessory_consumable_price_info | 1 | | 133 | 2015_10_12_192706_add_brand_to_settings | 1 | | 134 | 2015_10_22_003314_fix_defaults_accessories | 1 | | 135 | 2015_10_23_182625_add_checkout_time_and_expected_checkout_date_to_assets | 1 | | 136 | 2015_11_05_061015_create_companies_table | 1 | | 137 | 2015_11_05_061115_add_company_id_to_consumables_table | 1 | | 138 | 2015_11_05_183749_image | 1 | | 139 | 2015_11_06_092038_add_company_id_to_accessories_table | 1 | | 140 | 2015_11_06_100045_add_company_id_to_users_table | 1 | | 141 | 2015_11_06_134742_add_company_id_to_licenses_table | 1 | | 142 | 2015_11_08_035832_add_company_id_to_assets_table | 1 | | 143 | 2015_11_08_222305_add_ldap_fields_to_settings | 1 | | 144 | 2015_11_15_151803_add_full_multiple_companies_support_to_settings_table | 1 | | 145 | 2015_11_26_195528_import_ldap_settings | 1 | | 146 | 2015_11_30_191504_remove_fk_company_id | 1 | | 147 | 2015_12_21_193006_add_ldap_server_cert_ignore_to_settings_table | 1 | | 148 | 2015_12_30_233509_add_timestamp_and_userId_to_custom_fields | 1 | | 149 | 2015_12_30_233658_add_timestamp_and_userId_to_custom_fieldsets | 1 | | 150 | 2016_01_28_041048_add_notes_to_models | 1 | | 151 | 2016_02_19_070119_add_remember_token_to_users_table | 1 | | 152 | 2016_02_19_073625_create_password_resets_table | 1 | | 153 | 2016_03_02_193043_add_ldap_flag_to_users | 1 | | 154 | 2016_03_02_220517_update_ldap_filter_to_longer_field | 1 | | 155 | 2016_03_08_225351_create_components_table | 1 | | 156 | 2016_03_09_024038_add_min_stock_to_tables | 1 | | 157 | 2016_03_10_133849_add_locale_to_users | 1 | | 158 | 2016_03_10_135519_add_locale_to_settings | 1 | | 159 | 2016_03_11_185621_add_label_settings_to_settings | 1 | | 160 | 2016_03_22_125911_fix_custom_fields_regexes | 1 | | 161 | 2016_04_28_141554_add_show_to_users | 1 | | 162 | 2016_05_16_164733_add_model_mfg_to_consumable | 1 | | 163 | 2016_05_19_180351_add_alt_barcode_settings | 1 | | 164 | 2016_05_19_191146_add_alter_interval | 1 | | 165 | 2016_05_19_192226_add_inventory_threshold | 1 | | 166 | 2016_05_20_024859_remove_option_keys_from_settings_table | 1 | | 167 | 2016_05_20_143758_remove_option_value_from_settings_table | 1 | | 168 | 2016_06_01_140218_add_email_domain_and_format_to_settings | 1 | | 169 | 2016_06_22_160725_add_user_id_to_maintenances | 1 | | 170 | 2016_07_13_150015_add_is_ad_to_settings | 1 | | 171 | 2016_07_14_153609_add_ad_domain_to_settings | 1 | | 172 | 2016_07_22_003348_fix_custom_fields_regex_stuff | 1 | | 173 | 2016_07_22_054850_one_more_mac_addr_fix | 1 | | 174 | 2016_07_22_143045_add_port_to_ldap_settings | 1 | | 175 | 2016_07_22_153432_add_tls_to_ldap_settings | 1 | | 176 | 2016_07_27_211034_add_zerofill_to_settings | 1 | | 177 | 2016_08_02_124944_add_color_to_statuslabel | 1 | | 178 | 2016_08_04_134500_add_disallow_ldap_pw_sync_to_settings | 1 | | 179 | 2016_08_09_002225_add_manufacturer_to_licenses | 1 | | 180 | 2016_08_12_121613_add_manufacturer_to_accessories_table | 1 | | 181 | 2016_08_23_143353_add_new_fields_to_custom_fields | 1 | | 182 | 2016_08_23_145619_add_show_in_nav_to_status_labels | 1 | | 183 | 2016_08_30_084634_make_purchase_cost_nullable | 1 | | 184 | 2016_09_01_141051_add_requestable_to_asset_model | 1 | | 185 | 2016_09_02_001448_create_checkout_requests_table | 1 | | 186 | 2016_09_04_180400_create_actionlog_table | 1 | | 187 | 2016_09_04_182149_migrate_asset_log_to_action_log | 1 | | 188 | 2016_09_19_235935_fix_fieldtype_for_target_type | 1 | | 189 | 2016_09_23_140722_fix_modelno_in_consumables_to_string | 1 | | 190 | 2016_09_28_231359_add_company_to_logs | 1 | | 191 | 2016_10_14_130709_fix_order_number_to_varchar | 1 | | 192 | 2016_10_16_015024_rename_modelno_to_model_number | 1 | | 193 | 2016_10_16_015211_rename_consumable_modelno_to_model_number | 1 | | 194 | 2016_10_16_143235_rename_model_note_to_notes | 1 | | 195 | 2016_10_16_165052_rename_component_total_qty_to_qty | 1 | | 196 | 2016_10_19_145520_fix_order_number_in_components_to_string | 1 | | 197 | 2016_10_27_151715_add_serial_to_components | 1 | | 198 | 2016_10_27_213251_increase_serial_field_capacity | 1 | | 199 | 2016_10_29_002724_enable_2fa_fields | 1 | | 200 | 2016_10_29_082408_add_signature_to_acceptance | 1 | | 201 | 2016_11_01_030818_fix_forgotten_filename_in_action_logs | 1 | | 202 | 2016_11_13_020954_rename_component_serial_number_to_serial | 1 | | 203 | 2016_11_16_172119_increase_purchase_cost_size | 1 | | 204 | 2016_11_17_161317_longer_state_field_in_location | 1 | | 205 | 2016_11_17_193706_add_model_number_to_accessories | 1 | | 206 | 2016_11_24_160405_add_missing_target_type_to_logs_table | 1 | | 207 | 2016_12_07_173720_increase_size_of_state_in_suppliers | 1 | | 208 | 2016_12_19_004212_adjust_locale_length_to_10 | 1 | | 209 | 2016_12_19_133936_extend_phone_lengths_in_supplier_and_elsewhere | 1 | | 210 | 2016_12_27_212631_make_asset_assigned_to_polymorphic | 1 | | 211 | 2017_01_09_040429_create_locations_ldap_query_field | 1 | | 212 | 2017_01_14_002418_create_imports_table | 1 | | 213 | 2017_01_25_063357_fix_utf8_custom_field_column_names | 1 | | 214 | 2017_03_03_154632_add_time_date_display_to_settings | 1 | | 215 | 2017_03_10_210807_add_fields_to_manufacturer | 1 | | 216 | 2017_05_08_195520_increase_size_of_field_values_in_custom_fields | 1 | | 217 | 2017_05_22_204422_create_departments | 1 | | 218 | 2017_05_22_233509_add_manager_to_locations_table | 1 | | 219 | 2017_06_14_122059_add_next_autoincrement_to_settings | 1 | | 220 | 2017_06_18_151753_add_header_and_first_row_to_importer_table | 1 | | 221 | 2017_07_07_191533_add_login_text | 1 | | 222 | 2017_07_25_130710_add_thumbsize_to_settings | 1 | | 223 | 2017_08_03_160105_set_asset_archived_to_zero_default | 1 | | 224 | 2017_08_22_180636_add_secure_password_options | 1 | | 225 | 2017_08_25_074822_add_auditing_tables | 1 | | 226 | 2017_08_25_101435_add_auditing_to_settings | 1 | | 227 | 2017_09_18_225619_fix_assigned_type_not_being_nulled | 1 | | 228 | 2017_10_03_015503_drop_foreign_keys | 1 | | 229 | 2017_10_10_123504_allow_nullable_depreciation_id_in_models | 1 | | 230 | 2017_10_17_133709_add_display_url_to_settings | 1 | | 231 | 2017_10_19_120002_add_custom_forgot_password_url | 1 | | 232 | 2017_10_19_130406_add_image_and_supplier_to_accessories | 1 | | 233 | 2017_10_20_234129_add_location_indices_to_assets | 1 | | 234 | 2017_10_25_202930_add_images_uploads_to_locations_manufacturers_etc | 1 | | 235 | 2017_10_27_180947_denorm_asset_locations | 1 | | 236 | 2017_10_27_192423_migrate_denormed_asset_locations | 1 | | 237 | 2017_10_30_182938_add_address_to_user | 1 | | 238 | 2017_11_08_025918_add_alert_menu_setting | 1 | | 239 | 2017_11_08_123942_labels_display_company_name | 1 | | 240 | 2017_12_12_010457_normalize_asset_last_audit_date | 1 | | 241 | 2017_12_12_033618_add_actionlog_meta | 1 | | 242 | 2017_12_26_170856_re_normalize_last_audit | 1 | | 243 | 2018_01_17_184354_add_archived_in_list_setting | 1 | | 244 | 2018_01_19_203121_add_dashboard_message_to_settings | 1 | | 245 | 2018_01_24_062633_add_footer_settings_to_settings | 1 | | 246 | 2018_01_24_093426_add_modellist_preferenc | 1 | | 247 | 2018_02_22_160436_add_remote_user_settings | 1 | | 248 | 2018_03_03_011032_add_theme_to_settings | 1 | | 249 | 2018_03_06_054937_add_default_flag_on_statuslabels | 1 | | 250 | 2018_03_23_212048_add_display_in_email_to_custom_fields | 1 | | 251 | 2018_03_24_030738_add_show_images_in_email_setting | 1 | | 252 | 2018_03_24_050108_add_cc_alerts | 1 | | 253 | 2018_03_29_053618_add_canceled_at_and_fulfilled_at_in_requests | 1 | | 254 | 2018_03_29_070121_add_drop_unique_requests | 1 | | 255 | 2018_03_29_070511_add_new_index_requestable | 1 | | 256 | 2018_04_02_150700_labels_display_model_name | 1 | | 257 | 2018_04_16_133902_create_custom_field_default_values_table | 1 | | 258 | 2018_05_04_073223_add_category_to_licenses | 1 | | 259 | 2018_05_04_075235_add_update_license_category | 1 | | 260 | 2018_05_08_031515_add_gdpr_privacy_footer | 1 | | 261 | 2018_05_14_215229_add_indexes | 1 | | 262 | 2018_05_14_223646_add_indexes_to_assets | 1 | | 263 | 2018_05_14_233638_denorm_counters_on_assets | 1 | | 264 | 2018_05_16_153409_add_first_counter_totals_to_assets | 1 | | 265 | 2018_06_21_134622_add_version_footer | 1 | | 266 | 2018_07_05_215440_add_unique_serial_option_to_settings | 1 | | 267 | 2018_07_17_005911_create_login_attempts_table | 1 | | 268 | 2018_07_24_154348_add_logo_to_print_assets | 1 | | 269 | 2019_02_14_154310_change_auto_increment_prefix_to_nullable | 1 | | 270 | 2019_02_16_143518_auto_increment_back_to_string | 1 | | 271 | 2019_02_20_234421_make_serial_nullable | 1 | | 272 | 2019_02_21_224703_make_fields_nullable_for_integrity | 1 | | 273 | 2019_06_12_184327_rename_groups_table | 1 | | 274 | 2016_06_01_000001_create_oauth_auth_codes_table | 2 | | 275 | 2016_06_01_000002_create_oauth_access_tokens_table | 2 | | 276 | 2016_06_01_000003_create_oauth_refresh_tokens_table | 2 | | 277 | 2016_06_01_000004_create_oauth_clients_table | 2 | | 278 | 2016_06_01_000005_create_oauth_personal_access_clients_table | 2 | +-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ 278 rows in set (0.00 sec)
You'll want to follow the convo and process here to get your migrations table back on track:
This seems like a duplicate of this issue.
I'm not sure why both of your migrations failed on the 2018_07_28_023826_create_checkout_acceptances_table
- there's nothing funny going on with that table that should cause it to fart out, and most people don't seem to have a problem with that migration, but it's happened to a few people so far so there must be something common between them. Is this a particularly old install?
Thank you for the quick response. I will work on the 'migrations' table and post the result. For your other question - this is not an old install. We started using from v4.9.
@robinjosekm TY for the additional info. 99.9999% that migration fires without issue, and in looking at it I don't see anything funny. I'm wondering if it might be a difference in MySQL versions or something like that. Sometimes small changes happen between point releases of MySQL/Maria that can cause unexpected results. We're looking into this to see if we can remedy this for users moving forward, but I haven't found any smoking guns yet. :(
And the thing is, that table doesn't have anything weird in it -
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
checkoutable_type | varchar(191) | NO | MUL | NULL | |
checkoutable_id | bigint(20) unsigned | NO | NULL | ||
assigned_to_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | NULL | ||
signature_filename | varchar(191) | YES | NULL | ||
accepted_at | timestamp | YES | NULL | ||
declined_at | timestamp | YES | NULL | ||
created_at | timestamp | YES | NULL | ||
updated_at | timestamp | YES | NULL | ||
deleted_at | timestamp | YES | NULL |
And here's the indexes - maybe something here?
Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |
checkout_acceptances | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | id | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | BTREE | |||
checkout_acceptances | 1 | checkout_acceptances_checkoutable_type_checkoutable_id_index | 1 | checkoutable_type | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | BTREE | |||
checkout_acceptances | 1 | checkout_acceptances_checkoutable_type_checkoutable_id_index | 2 | checkoutable_id | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | BTREE |
So the only thing that could be a problem, there, (maybe?) is that that compound index is too wide? Varchar(191)
(times 4, if we're doing utf8mb4
) plus 8 bytes - 772 bytes. I think that ought to be well within bounds.
Here's an idea - let's see if the index creation was the problem - if so, you'd have the table, but not the index. Connect to MySQL (and do a USE yourdatabasename
) and try:
SHOW INDEX FROM checkout_acceptances;
If you don't have the checkout_acceptances_checkoutable_type_checkoutable_id_index
index, then there's something going wrong there. Could maybe be an issue with 32-bit versions of MySQL? We only run 64-bit in prod and locally, so we wouldn't see the issue.
Or maybe some other setting that limits the DB index size, I dunno...hrm....
@uberbrady Please see the attached file. It has the output for SHOW INDEX FROM checkout_acceptances; Also our Mysql version: Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.32, for Linux (x86_64)
Hi, I made the migrations table similar to what you suggested. But the issue persists. May be I went wrong some where.Here is what I did
After upgrade, migration table looks like below: (When I compared it with the one you have given in the other issue, some batch numbers are different. May be that's where I went wrong?)
+-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | id | migration | batch | +-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | 1 | 2012_12_06_225921_migration_cartalyst_sentry_install_users | 1 | | 2 | 2012_12_06_225929_migration_cartalyst_sentry_install_groups | 1 | | 3 | 2012_12_06_225945_migration_cartalyst_sentry_install_users_groups_pivot | 1 | | 4 | 2012_12_06_225988_migration_cartalyst_sentry_install_throttle | 1 | | 5 | 2013_03_23_193214_update_users_table | 1 | | 6 | 2013_11_13_075318_create_models_table | 1 | | 7 | 2013_11_13_075335_create_categories_table | 1 | | 8 | 2013_11_13_075347_create_manufacturers_table | 1 | | 9 | 2013_11_15_015858_add_user_id_to_categories | 1 | | 10 | 2013_11_15_112701_add_user_id_to_manufacturers | 1 | | 11 | 2013_11_15_190327_create_assets_table | 1 | | 12 | 2013_11_15_190357_create_licenses_table | 1 | | 13 | 2013_11_15_201848_add_license_name_to_licenses | 1 | | 14 | 2013_11_16_040323_create_depreciations_table | 1 | | 15 | 2013_11_16_042851_add_depreciation_id_to_models | 1 | | 16 | 2013_11_16_084923_add_user_id_to_models | 1 | | 17 | 2013_11_16_103258_create_locations_table | 1 | | 18 | 2013_11_16_103336_add_location_id_to_assets | 1 | | 19 | 2013_11_16_103407_add_checkedout_to_to_assets | 1 | | 20 | 2013_11_16_103425_create_history_table | 1 | | 21 | 2013_11_17_054359_drop_licenses_table | 1 | | 22 | 2013_11_17_054526_add_physical_to_assets | 1 | | 23 | 2013_11_17_055126_create_settings_table | 1 | | 24 | 2013_11_17_062634_add_license_to_assets | 1 | | 25 | 2013_11_18_134332_add_contacts_to_users | 1 | | 26 | 2013_11_18_142847_add_info_to_locations | 1 | | 27 | 2013_11_18_152942_remove_location_id_from_asset | 1 | | 28 | 2013_11_18_164423_set_nullvalues_for_user | 1 | | 29 | 2013_11_19_013337_create_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 30 | 2013_11_19_061409_edit_added_on_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 31 | 2013_11_19_062250_edit_location_id_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 32 | 2013_11_20_055822_add_soft_delete_on_assets | 1 | | 33 | 2013_11_20_121404_add_soft_delete_on_locations | 1 | | 34 | 2013_11_20_123137_add_soft_delete_on_manufacturers | 1 | | 35 | 2013_11_20_123725_add_soft_delete_on_categories | 1 | | 36 | 2013_11_20_130248_create_status_labels | 1 | | 37 | 2013_11_20_130830_add_status_id_on_assets_table | 1 | | 38 | 2013_11_20_131544_add_status_type_on_status_labels | 1 | | 39 | 2013_11_20_134103_add_archived_to_assets | 1 | | 40 | 2013_11_21_002321_add_uploads_table | 1 | | 41 | 2013_11_21_024531_remove_deployable_boolean_from_status_labels | 1 | | 42 | 2013_11_22_075308_add_option_label_to_settings_table | 1 | | 43 | 2013_11_22_213400_edits_to_settings_table | 1 | | 44 | 2013_11_25_013244_create_licenses_table | 1 | | 45 | 2013_11_25_031458_create_license_seats_table | 1 | | 46 | 2013_11_25_032022_add_type_to_actionlog_table | 1 | | 47 | 2013_11_25_033008_delete_bad_licenses_table | 1 | | 48 | 2013_11_25_033131_create_new_licenses_table | 1 | | 49 | 2013_11_25_033534_add_licensed_to_licenses_table | 1 | | 50 | 2013_11_25_101308_add_warrantee_to_assets_table | 1 | | 51 | 2013_11_25_104343_alter_warranty_column_on_assets | 1 | | 52 | 2013_11_25_150450_drop_parent_from_categories | 1 | | 53 | 2013_11_25_151920_add_depreciate_to_assets | 1 | | 54 | 2013_11_25_152903_add_depreciate_to_licenses_table | 1 | | 55 | 2013_11_26_211820_drop_license_from_assets_table | 1 | | 56 | 2013_11_27_062510_add_note_to_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 57 | 2013_12_01_113426_add_filename_to_asset_log | 1 | | 58 | 2013_12_06_094618_add_nullable_to_licenses_table | 1 | | 59 | 2013_12_10_084038_add_eol_on_models_table | 1 | | 60 | 2013_12_12_055218_add_manager_to_users_table | 1 | | 61 | 2014_01_28_031200_add_qr_code_to_settings_table | 1 | | 62 | 2014_02_13_183016_add_qr_text_to_settings_table | 1 | | 63 | 2014_05_24_093839_alter_default_license_depreciation_id | 1 | | 64 | 2014_05_27_231658_alter_default_values_licenses | 1 | | 65 | 2014_06_19_191508_add_asset_name_to_settings | 1 | | 66 | 2014_06_20_004847_make_asset_log_checkedout_to_nullable | 1 | | 67 | 2014_06_20_005050_make_asset_log_purchasedate_to_nullable | 1 | | 68 | 2014_06_24_003011_add_suppliers | 1 | | 69 | 2014_06_24_010742_add_supplier_id_to_asset | 1 | | 70 | 2014_06_24_012839_add_zip_to_supplier | 1 | | 71 | 2014_06_24_033908_add_url_to_supplier | 1 | | 72 | 2014_07_08_054116_add_employee_id_to_users | 1 | | 73 | 2014_07_09_134316_add_requestable_to_assets | 1 | | 74 | 2014_07_17_085822_add_asset_to_software | 1 | | 75 | 2014_07_17_161625_make_asset_id_in_logs_nullable | 1 | | 76 | 2014_08_12_053504_alpha_0_4_2_release | 1 | | 77 | 2014_08_17_083523_make_location_id_nullable | 1 | | 78 | 2014_10_16_200626_add_rtd_location_to_assets | 1 | | 79 | 2014_10_24_000417_alter_supplier_state_to_32 | 1 | | 80 | 2014_10_24_015641_add_display_checkout_date | 1 | | 81 | 2014_10_28_222654_add_avatar_field_to_users_table | 1 | | 82 | 2014_10_29_045924_add_image_field_to_models_table | 1 | | 83 | 2014_11_01_214955_add_eol_display_to_settings | 1 | | 84 | 2014_11_04_231416_update_group_field_for_reporting | 1 | | 85 | 2014_11_05_212408_add_fields_to_licenses | 1 | | 86 | 2014_11_07_021042_add_image_to_supplier | 1 | | 87 | 2014_11_20_203007_add_username_to_user | 1 | | 88 | 2014_11_20_223947_add_auto_to_settings | 1 | | 89 | 2014_11_20_224421_add_prefix_to_settings | 1 | | 90 | 2014_11_21_104401_change_licence_type | 1 | | 91 | 2014_12_09_082500_add_fields_maintained_term_to_licenses | 1 | | 92 | 2015_02_04_155757_increase_user_field_lengths | 1 | | 93 | 2015_02_07_013537_add_soft_deleted_to_log | 1 | | 94 | 2015_02_10_040958_fix_bad_assigned_to_ids | 1 | | 95 | 2015_02_10_053310_migrate_data_to_new_statuses | 1 | | 96 | 2015_02_11_044104_migrate_make_license_assigned_null | 1 | | 97 | 2015_02_11_104406_migrate_create_requests_table | 1 | | 98 | 2015_02_12_001312_add_mac_address_to_asset | 1 | | 99 | 2015_02_12_024100_change_license_notes_type | 1 | | 100 | 2015_02_17_231020_add_localonly_to_settings | 1 | | 101 | 2015_02_19_222322_add_logo_and_colors_to_settings | 1 | | 102 | 2015_02_24_072043_add_alerts_to_settings | 1 | | 103 | 2015_02_25_022931_add_eula_fields | 1 | | 104 | 2015_02_25_204513_add_accessories_table | 1 | | 105 | 2015_02_26_091228_add_accessories_user_table | 1 | | 106 | 2015_02_26_115128_add_deleted_at_models | 1 | | 107 | 2015_02_26_233005_add_category_type | 1 | | 108 | 2015_03_01_231912_update_accepted_at_to_acceptance_id | 1 | | 109 | 2015_03_05_011929_add_qr_type_to_settings | 1 | | 110 | 2015_03_18_055327_add_note_to_user | 1 | | 111 | 2015_04_29_234704_add_slack_to_settings | 1 | | 112 | 2015_05_04_085151_add_parent_id_to_locations_table | 1 | | 113 | 2015_05_22_124421_add_reassignable_to_licenses | 1 | | 114 | 2015_06_10_003314_fix_default_for_user_notes | 1 | | 115 | 2015_06_10_003554_create_consumables | 1 | | 116 | 2015_06_15_183253_move_email_to_username | 1 | | 117 | 2015_06_23_070346_make_email_nullable | 1 | | 118 | 2015_06_26_213716_create_asset_maintenances_table | 1 | | 119 | 2015_07_04_212443_create_custom_fields_table | 1 | | 120 | 2015_07_09_014359_add_currency_to_settings_and_locations | 1 | | 121 | 2015_07_21_122022_add_expected_checkin_date_to_asset_logs | 1 | | 122 | 2015_07_24_093845_add_checkin_email_to_category_table | 1 | | 123 | 2015_07_25_055415_remove_email_unique_constraint | 1 | | 124 | 2015_07_29_230054_add_thread_id_to_asset_logs_table | 1 | | 125 | 2015_07_31_015430_add_accepted_to_assets | 1 | | 126 | 2015_09_09_195301_add_custom_css_to_settings | 1 | | 127 | 2015_09_21_235926_create_custom_field_custom_fieldset | 1 | | 128 | 2015_09_22_000104_create_custom_fieldsets | 1 | | 129 | 2015_09_22_003321_add_fieldset_id_to_assets | 1 | | 130 | 2015_09_22_003413_migrate_mac_address | 1 | | 131 | 2015_09_28_003314_fix_default_purchase_order | 1 | | 132 | 2015_10_01_024551_add_accessory_consumable_price_info | 1 | | 133 | 2015_10_12_192706_add_brand_to_settings | 1 | | 134 | 2015_10_22_003314_fix_defaults_accessories | 1 | | 135 | 2015_10_23_182625_add_checkout_time_and_expected_checkout_date_to_assets | 1 | | 136 | 2015_11_05_061015_create_companies_table | 1 | | 137 | 2015_11_05_061115_add_company_id_to_consumables_table | 1 | | 138 | 2015_11_05_183749_image | 1 | | 139 | 2015_11_06_092038_add_company_id_to_accessories_table | 1 | | 140 | 2015_11_06_100045_add_company_id_to_users_table | 1 | | 141 | 2015_11_06_134742_add_company_id_to_licenses_table | 1 | | 142 | 2015_11_08_035832_add_company_id_to_assets_table | 1 | | 143 | 2015_11_08_222305_add_ldap_fields_to_settings | 1 | | 144 | 2015_11_15_151803_add_full_multiple_companies_support_to_settings_table | 1 | | 145 | 2015_11_26_195528_import_ldap_settings | 1 | | 146 | 2015_11_30_191504_remove_fk_company_id | 1 | | 147 | 2015_12_21_193006_add_ldap_server_cert_ignore_to_settings_table | 1 | | 148 | 2015_12_30_233509_add_timestamp_and_userId_to_custom_fields | 1 | | 149 | 2015_12_30_233658_add_timestamp_and_userId_to_custom_fieldsets | 1 | | 150 | 2016_01_28_041048_add_notes_to_models | 1 | | 151 | 2016_02_19_070119_add_remember_token_to_users_table | 1 | | 152 | 2016_02_19_073625_create_password_resets_table | 1 | | 153 | 2016_03_02_193043_add_ldap_flag_to_users | 1 | | 154 | 2016_03_02_220517_update_ldap_filter_to_longer_field | 1 | | 155 | 2016_03_08_225351_create_components_table | 1 | | 156 | 2016_03_09_024038_add_min_stock_to_tables | 1 | | 157 | 2016_03_10_133849_add_locale_to_users | 1 | | 158 | 2016_03_10_135519_add_locale_to_settings | 1 | | 159 | 2016_03_11_185621_add_label_settings_to_settings | 1 | | 160 | 2016_03_22_125911_fix_custom_fields_regexes | 1 | | 161 | 2016_04_28_141554_add_show_to_users | 1 | | 162 | 2016_05_16_164733_add_model_mfg_to_consumable | 1 | | 163 | 2016_05_19_180351_add_alt_barcode_settings | 1 | | 164 | 2016_05_19_191146_add_alter_interval | 1 | | 165 | 2016_05_19_192226_add_inventory_threshold | 1 | | 166 | 2016_05_20_024859_remove_option_keys_from_settings_table | 1 | | 167 | 2016_05_20_143758_remove_option_value_from_settings_table | 1 | | 168 | 2016_06_01_000001_create_oauth_auth_codes_table | 1 | | 169 | 2016_06_01_000002_create_oauth_access_tokens_table | 1 | | 170 | 2016_06_01_000003_create_oauth_refresh_tokens_table | 1 | | 171 | 2016_06_01_000004_create_oauth_clients_table | 1 | | 172 | 2016_06_01_000005_create_oauth_personal_access_clients_table | 1 | | 173 | 2016_06_01_140218_add_email_domain_and_format_to_settings | 1 | | 174 | 2016_06_22_160725_add_user_id_to_maintenances | 1 | | 175 | 2016_07_13_150015_add_is_ad_to_settings | 1 | | 176 | 2016_07_14_153609_add_ad_domain_to_settings | 1 | | 177 | 2016_07_22_003348_fix_custom_fields_regex_stuff | 1 | | 178 | 2016_07_22_054850_one_more_mac_addr_fix | 1 | | 179 | 2016_07_22_143045_add_port_to_ldap_settings | 1 | | 180 | 2016_07_22_153432_add_tls_to_ldap_settings | 1 | | 181 | 2016_07_27_211034_add_zerofill_to_settings | 1 | | 182 | 2016_08_02_124944_add_color_to_statuslabel | 1 | | 183 | 2016_08_04_134500_add_disallow_ldap_pw_sync_to_settings | 1 | | 184 | 2016_08_09_002225_add_manufacturer_to_licenses | 1 | | 185 | 2016_08_12_121613_add_manufacturer_to_accessories_table | 1 | | 186 | 2016_08_23_143353_add_new_fields_to_custom_fields | 1 | | 187 | 2016_08_23_145619_add_show_in_nav_to_status_labels | 1 | | 188 | 2016_08_30_084634_make_purchase_cost_nullable | 1 | | 189 | 2016_09_01_141051_add_requestable_to_asset_model | 1 | | 190 | 2016_09_02_001448_create_checkout_requests_table | 1 | | 191 | 2016_09_04_180400_create_actionlog_table | 1 | | 192 | 2016_09_04_182149_migrate_asset_log_to_action_log | 1 | | 193 | 2016_09_19_235935_fix_fieldtype_for_target_type | 1 | | 194 | 2016_09_23_140722_fix_modelno_in_consumables_to_string | 1 | | 195 | 2016_09_28_231359_add_company_to_logs | 1 | | 196 | 2016_10_14_130709_fix_order_number_to_varchar | 1 | | 197 | 2016_10_16_015024_rename_modelno_to_model_number | 1 | | 198 | 2016_10_16_015211_rename_consumable_modelno_to_model_number | 1 | | 199 | 2016_10_16_143235_rename_model_note_to_notes | 1 | | 200 | 2016_10_16_165052_rename_component_total_qty_to_qty | 1 | | 201 | 2016_10_19_145520_fix_order_number_in_components_to_string | 1 | | 202 | 2016_10_27_151715_add_serial_to_components | 1 | | 203 | 2016_10_27_213251_increase_serial_field_capacity | 1 | | 204 | 2016_10_29_002724_enable_2fa_fields | 1 | | 205 | 2016_10_29_082408_add_signature_to_acceptance | 1 | | 206 | 2016_11_01_030818_fix_forgotten_filename_in_action_logs | 1 | | 207 | 2016_11_13_020954_rename_component_serial_number_to_serial | 1 | | 208 | 2016_11_16_172119_increase_purchase_cost_size | 1 | | 209 | 2016_11_17_161317_longer_state_field_in_location | 1 | | 210 | 2016_11_17_193706_add_model_number_to_accessories | 1 | | 211 | 2016_11_24_160405_add_missing_target_type_to_logs_table | 1 | | 212 | 2016_12_07_173720_increase_size_of_state_in_suppliers | 1 | | 213 | 2016_12_19_004212_adjust_locale_length_to_10 | 1 | | 214 | 2016_12_19_133936_extend_phone_lengths_in_supplier_and_elsewhere | 1 | | 215 | 2016_12_27_212631_make_asset_assigned_to_polymorphic | 1 | | 216 | 2017_01_09_040429_create_locations_ldap_query_field | 1 | | 217 | 2017_01_14_002418_create_imports_table | 1 | | 218 | 2017_01_25_063357_fix_utf8_custom_field_column_names | 1 | | 219 | 2017_03_03_154632_add_time_date_display_to_settings | 1 | | 220 | 2017_03_10_210807_add_fields_to_manufacturer | 1 | | 221 | 2017_05_08_195520_increase_size_of_field_values_in_custom_fields | 1 | | 222 | 2017_05_22_204422_create_departments | 1 | | 223 | 2017_05_22_233509_add_manager_to_locations_table | 1 | | 224 | 2017_06_14_122059_add_next_autoincrement_to_settings | 1 | | 225 | 2017_06_18_151753_add_header_and_first_row_to_importer_table | 1 | | 226 | 2017_07_07_191533_add_login_text | 1 | | 227 | 2017_07_25_130710_add_thumbsize_to_settings | 1 | | 228 | 2017_08_03_160105_set_asset_archived_to_zero_default | 1 | | 229 | 2017_08_22_180636_add_secure_password_options | 1 | | 230 | 2017_08_25_074822_add_auditing_tables | 1 | | 231 | 2017_08_25_101435_add_auditing_to_settings | 1 | | 232 | 2017_09_18_225619_fix_assigned_type_not_being_nulled | 1 | | 233 | 2017_10_03_015503_drop_foreign_keys | 1 | | 234 | 2017_10_10_123504_allow_nullable_depreciation_id_in_models | 1 | | 235 | 2017_10_17_133709_add_display_url_to_settings | 1 | | 236 | 2017_10_19_120002_add_custom_forgot_password_url | 1 | | 237 | 2017_10_19_130406_add_image_and_supplier_to_accessories | 1 | | 238 | 2017_10_20_234129_add_location_indices_to_assets | 1 | | 239 | 2017_10_25_202930_add_images_uploads_to_locations_manufacturers_etc | 1 | | 240 | 2017_10_27_180947_denorm_asset_locations | 1 | | 241 | 2017_10_27_192423_migrate_denormed_asset_locations | 1 | | 242 | 2017_10_30_182938_add_address_to_user | 1 | | 243 | 2017_11_08_025918_add_alert_menu_setting | 1 | | 244 | 2017_11_08_123942_labels_display_company_name | 1 | | 245 | 2017_12_12_010457_normalize_asset_last_audit_date | 1 | | 246 | 2017_12_12_033618_add_actionlog_meta | 1 | | 247 | 2017_12_26_170856_re_normalize_last_audit | 1 | | 248 | 2018_01_17_184354_add_archived_in_list_setting | 1 | | 249 | 2018_01_19_203121_add_dashboard_message_to_settings | 1 | | 250 | 2018_01_24_062633_add_footer_settings_to_settings | 1 | | 251 | 2018_01_24_093426_add_modellist_preferenc | 1 | | 252 | 2018_02_22_160436_add_remote_user_settings | 1 | | 253 | 2018_03_03_011032_add_theme_to_settings | 1 | | 254 | 2018_03_06_054937_add_default_flag_on_statuslabels | 1 | | 255 | 2018_03_23_212048_add_display_in_email_to_custom_fields | 1 | | 256 | 2018_03_24_030738_add_show_images_in_email_setting | 1 | | 257 | 2018_03_24_050108_add_cc_alerts | 1 | | 258 | 2018_03_29_053618_add_canceled_at_and_fulfilled_at_in_requests | 1 | | 259 | 2018_03_29_070121_add_drop_unique_requests | 1 | | 260 | 2018_03_29_070511_add_new_index_requestable | 1 | | 261 | 2018_04_02_150700_labels_display_model_name | 1 | | 262 | 2018_04_16_133902_create_custom_field_default_values_table | 1 | | 263 | 2018_05_04_073223_add_category_to_licenses | 1 | | 264 | 2018_05_04_075235_add_update_license_category | 1 | | 265 | 2018_05_08_031515_add_gdpr_privacy_footer | 1 | | 266 | 2018_05_14_215229_add_indexes | 1 | | 267 | 2018_05_14_223646_add_indexes_to_assets | 1 | | 268 | 2018_05_14_233638_denorm_counters_on_assets | 1 | | 269 | 2018_05_16_153409_add_first_counter_totals_to_assets | 1 | | 270 | 2018_06_21_134622_add_version_footer | 1 | | 271 | 2018_07_05_215440_add_unique_serial_option_to_settings | 1 | | 272 | 2018_07_17_005911_create_login_attempts_table | 1 | | 273 | 2018_07_24_154348_add_logo_to_print_assets | 1 | | 274 | 2018_07_28_023826_create_checkout_acceptances_table | 1 | | 275 | 2018_08_20_204842_add_depreciation_option_to_settings | 1 | | 276 | 2018_09_10_082212_create_checkout_acceptances_for_unaccepted_assets | 1 | | 277 | 2018_10_18_191228_add_kits_licenses_table | 1 | | 278 | 2018_10_19_153910_add_kits_table | 1 | | 279 | 2018_10_19_154013_add_kits_models_table | 1 | | 280 | 2018_12_05_211936_add_favicon_to_settings | 1 | | 281 | 2018_12_05_212119_add_email_logo_to_settings | 1 | | 282 | 2019_02_07_185953_add_kits_consumables_table | 1 | | 283 | 2019_02_07_190030_add_kits_accessories_table | 1 | | 284 | 2019_02_12_182750_add_actiondate_to_actionlog | 1 | | 285 | 2019_02_14_154310_change_auto_increment_prefix_to_nullable | 1 | | 286 | 2019_02_16_143518_auto_increment_back_to_string | 1 | | 287 | 2019_02_17_205048_add_label_logo_to_settings | 1 | | 288 | 2019_02_20_234421_make_serial_nullable | 1 | | 289 | 2019_02_21_224703_make_fields_nullable_for_integrity | 1 | | 290 | 2019_06_12_184327_rename_groups_table | 1 | | 291 | 2019_07_23_140906_add_show_assigned_assets_to_settings | 1 | | 292 | 2019_08_20_084049_add_custom_remote_user_header | 1 | | 293 | 2019_12_04_223111_passport_upgrade | 1 | | 294 | 2020_02_04_172100_add_ad_append_domain_settings | 1 | | 295 | 2020_04_29_222305_add_saml_fields_to_settings | 1 | | 296 | 2020_10_22_233743_move_accessory_checkout_note_to_join_table | 1 | | 297 | 2020_10_23_161736_fix_zero_values_for_locations | 1 | +-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+
I deleted 'migrations' table from v4.9.5 installation and inserted the 'migrations' table' from the fresh installation here.
"Fresh installation here"? Do you mean from a fresh 4.9.5 installation? What was the output of the php artisan migrate
when you ran the migrations?
I ask because importing a fresh v5 migrations table into an older database will cause catastrophic issues. Effectively you will have told v5 that it's already run all of the migrations it should have run (which it hasn't) so it will skip them - which means your tables won't be in sync with v5.
Hi, I was able to resolve the issue. I did the following steps
VALUES (279,'2018_07_28_023826_create_checkout_acceptances_table',5);Thank you very much for the support. Sorry for the late reply. I was caught up with various works.
Please confirm you have done the following before posting your bug report:
Column not found error after upgrading from v4.9.5 to v5.0.4 After upgrading to v5.0.4, I tried to check out an asset to a user and got the following error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'action_date' in 'field list' (SQL: insert into
) values (App\Models\Asset, 56, 1, App\Models\User, 6, 20, Test, 2020-11-03 15:57:25, checkout, ?, 2020-11-03 15:57:25, 2020-11-03 15:57:25))To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior No error page and user gets an email.
Error Messages
(3/3) QueryException SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'action_date' in 'field list' (SQL: insert into
) values (App\Models\Asset, 56, 1, App\Models\User, 6, 20, Test, 2020-11-03 15:57:25, checkout, ?, 2020-11-03 15:57:25, 2020-11-03 15:57:25))in Connection.php line 669 at Connection->runQueryCallback('insert into
) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('App\Models\Asset', 56, 1, 'App\Models\User', 6, 20, 'Test', object(Carbon), 'checkout', null, '2020-11-03 15:57:25', '2020-11-03 15:57:25'), object(Closure))in Connection.php line 629 at Connection->run('insert intoaction_logs
) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('App\Models\Asset', 56, 1, 'App\Models\User', 6, 20, 'Test', object(Carbon), 'checkout', null, '2020-11-03 15:57:25', '2020-11-03 15:57:25'), object(Closure))in Connection.php line 464 at Connection->statement('insert intoaction_logs
) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('App\Models\Asset', 56, 1, 'App\Models\User', 6, 20, 'Test', object(Carbon), 'checkout', null, '2020-11-03 15:57:25', '2020-11-03 15:57:25'))in Connection.php line 416 at Connection->insert('insert intoaction_logs
) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('App\Models\Asset', 56, 1, 'App\Models\User', 6, 20, 'Test', object(Carbon), 'checkout', null, '2020-11-03 15:57:25', '2020-11-03 15:57:25'))in Processor.php line 32 at Processor->processInsertGetId(object(Builder), 'insert intoaction_logs
) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('App\Models\Asset', 56, 1, 'App\Models\User', 6, 20, 'Test', object(Carbon), 'checkout', null, '2020-11-03 15:57:25', '2020-11-03 15:57:25'), 'id')in Builder.php line 2695 at Builder->insertGetId(array('App\Models\Asset', 56, 1, 'App\Models\User', 6, 20, 'Test', object(Carbon), 'checkout', null, '2020-11-03 15:57:25', '2020-11-03 15:57:25'), 'id')in Builder.php line 1366 at Builder->__call('insertGetId', array(array('item_type' => 'App\Models\Asset', 'item_id' => 56, 'user_id' => 1, 'target_type' => 'App\Models\User', 'target_id' => 6, 'location_id' => 20, 'note' => 'Test', 'action_date' => object(Carbon), 'action_type' => 'checkout', 'company_id' => null, 'updated_at' => '2020-11-03 15:57:25', 'created_at' => '2020-11-03 15:57:25'), 'id'))in Model.php line 840 at Model->insertAndSetId(object(Builder), array('item_type' => 'App\Models\Asset', 'item_id' => 56, 'user_id' => 1, 'target_type' => 'App\Models\User', 'target_id' => 6, 'location_id' => 20, 'note' => 'Test', 'action_date' => object(Carbon), 'action_type' => 'checkout', 'company_id' => null, 'updated_at' => '2020-11-03 15:57:25', 'created_at' => '2020-11-03 15:57:25'))in Model.php line 805 at Model->performInsert(object(Builder))in Model.php line 668 at Model->save()in Actionlog.php line 218 at Actionlog->logaction('checkout')in Loggable.php line 66 at Asset->logCheckout('Test', object(User), object(Carbon))in LogListener.php line 31 at LogListener->onCheckoutableCheckedOut(object(CheckoutableCheckedOut)) at call_user_func_array(array(object(LogListener), 'onCheckoutableCheckedOut'), array(object(CheckoutableCheckedOut)))in Dispatcher.php line 388 at Dispatcher->Illuminate\Events{closure}('App\Events\CheckoutableCheckedOut', array(object(CheckoutableCheckedOut)))in Dispatcher.php line 218 at Dispatcher->dispatch('App\Events\CheckoutableCheckedOut')in helpers.php line 477 at event(object(CheckoutableCheckedOut))in Asset.php line 305 at Asset->checkOut(object(User), object(User), '2020-11-03 15:57:25', '2020-11-30', 'Test', 'ES049')in AssetCheckoutController.php line 78 at AssetCheckoutController->store(object(AssetCheckoutRequest), '56') at call_user_func_array(array(object(AssetCheckoutController), 'store'), array(object(AssetCheckoutRequest), 'assetId' => '56'))in Controller.php line 54 at Controller->callAction('store', array(object(AssetCheckoutRequest), 'assetId' => '56'))in ControllerDispatcher.php line 45 at ControllerDispatcher->dispatch(object(Route), object(AssetCheckoutController), 'store')in Route.php line 219 at Route->runController()in Route.php line 176 at Route->run()in Router.php line 681 at Router->Illuminate\Routing{closure}(object(Request))in Pipeline.php line 130 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in Authenticate.php line 43 at Authenticate->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in CreateFreshApiToken.php line 50 at CreateFreshApiToken->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in CheckForTwoFactor.php line 53 at CheckForTwoFactor->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in CheckLocale.php line 37 at CheckLocale->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 76 at VerifyCsrfToken->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in AddQueuedCookiesToResponse.php line 37 at AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in EncryptCookies.php line 66 at EncryptCookies->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in Pipeline.php line 105 at Pipeline->then(object(Closure))in Router.php line 683 at Router->runRouteWithinStack(object(Route), object(Request))in Router.php line 658 at Router->runRoute(object(Request), object(Route))in Router.php line 624 at Router->dispatchToRoute(object(Request))in Router.php line 613 at Router->dispatch(object(Request))in Kernel.php line 170 at Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http{closure}(object(Request))in Pipeline.php line 130 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in InjectDebugbar.php line 65 at InjectDebugbar->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in SecurityHeaders.php line 26 at SecurityHeaders->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in TransformsRequest.php line 21 at TransformsRequest->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in CheckForDebug.php line 25 at CheckForDebug->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in CheckForSetup.php line 26 at CheckForSetup->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in TrustProxies.php line 57 at TrustProxies->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in ShareErrorsFromSession.php line 49 at ShareErrorsFromSession->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in StartSession.php line 56 at StartSession->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in CheckForMaintenanceMode.php line 63 at CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in HandlePreflight.php line 29 at HandlePreflight->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))in Pipeline.php line 171 at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(object(Request))in Pipeline.php line 105 at Pipeline->then(object(Closure))in Kernel.php line 145 at Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(object(Request))in Kernel.php line 110 at Kernel->handle(object(Request))in index.php line 58Additional context