snipe / snipe-it

A free open source IT asset/license management system
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
10.84k stars 3.13k forks source link

Custom Model Attributes #98

Closed peelman closed 8 years ago

peelman commented 10 years ago

@snipe has mentioned this in another ticket, but I was hoping to get some discussion going on it and define the idea and storage model some.

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cantmz commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I am planning to use snipe-it for smartpones/tablets and SIM cards too. Custom fields for asset would be a huge step forward. I'm thinking about the opportunity to add SIM card phone number, serial number, PIN, PUK, IMEI for devices and so on. In a previous company I used Sugar CRM CE and built my own modules. It worked like a charme but I was using a CRM for everything but its main purpouse. I discovered snipe a couple of days ago and it is great. It does exactly what most of us need. Many thanks to all of you.

Xu1 commented 8 years ago

I come here every once in a while and check the demo and read through the comments. Still no custom attributes. It's really sad that such a nice product lacks something as simple as being able to add an IMEI for a phone. I just don't understand the logic.

Almost 2 years since the OP made the request

Could someone please fork this and add the dam feature please.

snipe commented 8 years ago

@Xu1 The original OP in the discussion about this was me - the person who wrote the software to begin with, to communicate our intention and have a record of the feature I wanted to add. It never implied we'd be working on it first, or second, or anything.

Custom fields are non-trivial, and potentially data-destructive - not to mention that they complicate search and just about everything else. We release new features constantly, so it's not a matter of not understanding the logic. It's not some vast conspiracy to withhold features. There are only 24 hours in the day, and this is free software. It's not as if we've been sitting around not adding other features for the past several years. We release features based on user feedback.

If you've read the most recent comments, you'll see that it's actively in development right now, with a pull request submitted: The PR still needs some work, but it's getting there, and we're hoping to have it merged in the next few weeks.

uberbrady commented 8 years ago

If it's so simple, feel free to submit a pull request. If it works, it will be accepted, regardless of your horrible attitude. I have a feeling you'd find it isn't quite so simple.

So here's another way you could help - you could test out my branch. It's still very early stages, but even something as simple as "this seems like a good start, and it works so far for me" would have been helpful. But - you didn't do that either.

Fine, well, maybe here's a way you could help - I work on this project in my spare time, of which I don't have a lot of. Maybe you could just do something like say, "+1, would love this feature too, then I could use Snipe-IT! Excited to test it out once it's ready!" - not even requiring any work on your part. Nope, didn't do that either.

Instead, you post this miserable message. A message which discourages me, instead of encourages me. That is not a good way to get what you want. I'd almost be tempted not to finish the feature just to spite you, because I think you are behaving like an entitled, privileged jerk. I also fantasize about finding a way to finish the feature - but not make it available to you. Unfortunately, by the license terms, I cannot do this. (And, also, I wouldn't actually do it, either. But it's fun to fantasize).

But I'm not going to do any of those things; I will instead finish the feature. The 'guts' of it are already there, and there's more still to flesh out. But the hard parts are over. Now it's just figuring out the UI of what adding new fields looks like, and figuring out which field types and input types to support. As @snipe mentioned, it's probably a few weeks away still. But it's getting there.

bioldame commented 8 years ago

Its been a while since I write or report an issue here. I just wanted to say SnipeIT has been great for my team this year, we use it as our main tool for a laptop loaner library that is used a LOT by our users. We are very happy that LDAP integration was added and every time a new update comes out we update right away to take advantage of the new features. We will patiently wait for custom fields to come out and once it does Snipe IT will become our main and only asset tool for all of our assets!

Thanks for creating and contributing for such a great tool!

Xu1 commented 8 years ago

Wow that blew up! I'm impressed by that passionate response above.

I'll take a look at your branch... :+1:

jgarm07 commented 8 years ago


I wasn't a member of github but I am now. I'm hoping a little more positive feedback may help grease the gears a little.

I work at a public university in a department that manages computer labs on campus. 5 of us handle software, and one ops manager handles inventory. Our total inventory includes roughly 1800 desktop workstations (mixed mac and PC) along with 25 servers (mixed physical and virtual). For about 10 years that inventory has been managed in an access database. A few years ago a new department manager came along and decided to move the database into MySQL, leaving access as a front end, and abandoning the project; which has caused a headache for all of us. His next master plan is to move it into SharePoint and use views to navigate the data, which we also don't believe is the solution.

We're all systems administrators, not programmers, but the need for a usable tool to handle our inventory is great enough that I've spent the last couple months in my spare time trying to learn Ruby on Rails to develop a solution. Needless to say I was ecstatic to stumble across snipe IT. It is absolutely perfect for what we're trying to accomplish, particularly the archiving feature (because as a state entity we have to track stuff that permanently leaves our inventory too) which I have not seen in other open source solutions. All that's holding us back from implementing this solution is that the most important pieces of our database that we track are unit IP addresses, MAC addresses, kensignton key assigned to the unit, building, room, and room key. If I'm following this thread right, the addition of custom attributes will allow us to track those items and put this tool in place!

At least from where I'm sitting, your work will not go unappreciated. Thank you so much for everything you've put into this project. It is and will continue to ease some of the strain many IT departments put up with daily. We're eagerly looking forward to the next release!

steveelwood commented 8 years ago

Hey guys and gals,

Like jgarm07 above, I just joined Github so I could tell you all that my team and I really appreciate the time and effort you have put in and continue to invest in this software. I work at a small private college and we have been looking for something... ANYTHING, to replace an old Access database inventory solution that is difficult to work with or pull reports out of. There is an arcane, lengthy, twice-yearly process my boss and I go through to pull budget numbers, replacement schedules, and reserve analyses from that system. That being said, we've been staying up-to-date as new versions come out, and eagerly await the custom model attributes feature you are developing.

Thank you so much for a fantastic product backed by great developers!

snipe commented 8 years ago

Thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement, @jgarm07 and @steveelwood! I can promise you that custom fields are absolutely a priority, and the first version of them is coming along well. The basic functionality is there, and now we're just working in the UI elements.

We're getting there!


rootameen commented 8 years ago

Great to hear that it is coming along pretty well, @snipe. Can't wait to test it once it has been released. Keep up the good work!

snipe commented 8 years ago

This is available on develop now.

swegaj commented 4 years ago

I want create workstation in dropdown list in snipe-IT Like Asset,User, License, Please guide me on this