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[Android] Make Android SDK open source #172

Closed erksch closed 5 years ago

erksch commented 5 years ago

Hey guys!

I started to use snips for android and ran into a lot of problems regarding the different quickstart and demo projects, and as I can tell from the snips forum, a lot of other people experience problems with running snips on android as well. Much detailed stuff about the android SDK is hidden in the forum.

I think it would be great to make the work on the Android SDK more transparent and let other people participate in making it great. As far as I can tell, the snips platform android SDK is not open source while the iOS SDK is. I think it would really help the community if the android SDK would be open source, too.

Are there any reasons why it is not public? And sorry if I just could not find the repo!

fredszaq commented 5 years ago

Hi @erksch

The android SDK is in fact open source, it is however not published on github, it is published on our nexus as a source jar that should be picked up automatically by android studio, you can also download the jar manually from here if you want.

We have an overhaul of the docs and sample codes around android that is planned as we know it is far from ideal at the moment. No promises on when it will land though