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Console crashes when pasting in a training example #180

Closed flatsiedatsie closed 5 years ago

flatsiedatsie commented 5 years ago

What's the issue? Copy an intent example message you made earlier, and copy it into the input field above.

Use Cases Impacted It hinders the quick re-use or making slight modifications to earlier example sentences. Currently, the safest way to generate new example sentences is to type them in manually.

How to reproduce

Expected behavior I would hope that the sentence would be stripped of the existing slot details and could be used as a normal new sentence.

Version and Environment Latest Firefox on Mac Os High Sierra.

Logs Quick console screenshot: snips_crash_console

Additional information If you have some details you want to share or the root cause seems identified, put it here.

Workaround The work around is to manually type in a new sentence. This is slower.

Context It could be that privacy enhancing browser plugins are hindering Snips javascript to work properly. If the issue cannot be reproduced, this could be a culprit, in which case this report may be ignored.

Side note The Snips console is beautifully designed. The error message page could probably look a little bit nicer, more in line with the rest of the interface?

pocketjoso commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for this bug report. We have seen this error before, but we have never been able to reproduce it in order to fix it. I'm following your instructions here, on Latest Firefox on macOS Mojave, and for me pasting works without any crash.

I think this has to do with the specifics of your intent, and the training example you are pasting. Could you share a screen recording of the problem happening for you? And please clarify exactly how you are copying and pasting - are you using keyboard shortcuts, or some other way?

Could you also test - does it seem to happen for different training examples in the utterance? Does it happen in different intents?

Let's get to the bottom of this so we can fix this annoying issue. :)

flatsiedatsie commented 5 years ago

Sure, here is a screen recording with the console open: snips_console_error

// Update

Here's a screenshot from the uMatrix browser plugin. As you can see it has blocked a third party tracking script. I would be very surprised/upset if that was the issue :-) console_umatrix

Here is a screenshot from uBlock origin. It could be that uBlock is blocking something. console_ublock_origin

For security reasons WebAssemly is disabled in my browser, but I would be similarly surprised if that's the cause.

pocketjoso commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the further details.

Can you tell me exactly how you issue the copy and paste commands? Are you using keyboard shortcuts?

We have a feature that would allow me to see your account and specifically this intent as you see it in the console, which I could use to gather more information about this bug - specifically to see if I can reproduce it. Would you be okay with me doing this - going into your account to check out what's going wrong in this intent?

flatsiedatsie commented 5 years ago

Yes I am using keyboard shortcuts.

Go ahead and try working with the account. I take it you have your ways of finding out which one it is.

Thank you for asking.

pocketjoso commented 5 years ago

Actually I need something from your account to be able to find it: your username, or email

flatsiedatsie commented 5 years ago

Can I email that to you?

pocketjoso commented 5 years ago

Sure. You can send it to jonas.ohlsson @ 👍

FYI: your username is public, but your account email is not. And your username is only visible to others if you publish apps into the store.

pocketjoso commented 5 years ago

As discussed via email:

In Firefox, the dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled setting must be turned on, otherwise the intent editor training example components will crash on copy-paste.

Discovered via:

There's nothing we can do to avoid this crash, so will close this issue. We could perhaps try to recognize the crash and forward the advice above to the user.