snipsco / tensorflow-build

A set of scripts to (cross-)build the Tensorflow C lib for various architectures / OS
MIT License
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how can I use this with python bindings? #15

Closed mattfeury closed 7 years ago

mattfeury commented 7 years ago

hello! thanks for the wonderful work and here and making it available.

i'm attempting to build tensorflow on my pi a+. it's my understanding that this repo will help me build the .so file leaving me with a tensorflow library. my question is, how can i use this library with the existing tensorflow python bindings? i'd like to continue to use keras + all my existing TF python code, and am just hoping that I need to "swap" the backend library being used to one built for this architecture.

any pointers would be helpful! thanks

fredszaq commented 7 years ago

Hi !

You'll need to change the Basel target at the end of to build the Python package, certainty something like tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package (the only contain the c api and not the required ffi code for Python)

Be prepared to change things in the script to build it, each new combination of platform / Basel target can be quite a journey :P

fredszaq commented 7 years ago

There are now uptream tensorflow python packages for the Pi, see this article