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Lightweight C++20 testing framework.
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Equivalent to Doctest's SUBCASE and CHECK_NOTHROW #96

Closed nlohmann closed 1 year ago

nlohmann commented 1 year ago

I would like to give snitch a try, but my current Doctest test suite heavily relies on SUBCASE and CHECK_NOTHROW. Are there plans to integrate these to snitch as well?

cschreib commented 1 year ago

Hi, and thank you for your interest!







If you do get around to testing *snitch*, I'd be very interested in hearing any feedback, even (especially?) if negative.
nlohmann commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the incredibly quick response!

I checked a bit more, and the test suite currently relies on further features that are not yet realized (and some seem not on your roadmap):

I removed these tests and got the code to compile. :-)

Some observations:

cschreib commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I'll respond to each point below.

Approx (we do some math, and float comparison sucks...)

Oddly enough, although it was never brought up before, you are now the second person to mention floating point matchers today. I haven't used these matchers myself, but it was pointed out to me that Approx is considered deprecated in Catch2, and that one should use the new floating point matchers instead. Is this something you have considered?

As I mentioned to the other person (on reddit), if I am to implement floating point matchers, I would like to understand what people actually use, but also what they actually need (which may not be the same thing). Although I can browse other libraries' source code to figure out the former, I need to actually talk to a human for the latter :) So if you are happy to share more information about the tests you perform, and what it is you are after, I'd love to hear it.


Here is a substitute that should work (assuming your exception type implements the standard what() member function to get the error message; if not, you will need a different matcher):

    CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES(EXPR, EXCEPTION, snitch::matchers::with_what_contains{MESSAGE})

WARN - not a deal breaker, but convenient when tests rely on environment variables and you just don't care if they fail on some systems

I haven't been able to find an occurrence of WARN in, but based on what you said above, it seems to me that this could be replaced by the special tag [!mayfail]:

TEST_CASE("platform dependent stuff", "[!mayfail]") {

Any failure in a test case tagged with [!mayfail] will be reported (e.g., with the default reporter, it will appear as a failure in the standard output), but the test case will always be considered as "passed":

starting snitch_runtime_tests_self with snitch v1.1.1.5ad2fff
failed: running test case "platform dependent stuff"
          at test.cpp:5
          CHECK(some_platform_dependent_things()), got false
success: all tests passed (1 test cases, 1 assertions)
  • I like the output of failing tests. This is really helpful. Unfortunately, the tests do not integrate as nicely into CLion as Doctest or Catch do. This is unfortunate, because this integration makes it very easy to repeat failing tests or to just execute a single test in the debugger.
  • There seem to lack an option to generate JUnit XML output. We use this in our CI (Gitlab) to collect reports.

I believe the two are related. snitch currently only implements a human-readable reporter (the default), and an example for TeamCity messages. We are able to handle machine-readable XML output, it just requires writing a reporter for it. This has been requested before, and I would like to include this. However I am unsure which format would be most useful. It seems Catch2 implements both a JUnit XML reporter and its own XML reporter. Same for doctest.

Rather than map to a standard interface, it seems IDEs implement specific "test adapters" for each testing framework. I suppose this is required anyway for handling stuff like command line inputs for selecting a particular test... snitch has its own command line interface, but it is very close to the one implemented in Catch2. I'll have to see if we can just piggy-back on the existing Catch2 test adapters, and have them magically work with snitch as well.

nlohmann commented 1 year ago

That said, I will check the latest updates and report back to you how they work.

nlohmann commented 1 year ago

FYI: It seems CLion tries to call Doctest suites with -r=xml - maybe (?) this would be all for an integration.

cschreib commented 1 year ago

Indeed Catch2 has a similar flag; --reporter xml. I think this is what we'll aim for, and will track this in a separate issue: I also opened a separate issue to track the implementation of the float matchers:

Thank you for all the feedback! I will close this issue as a resolved question, and if you're interested in following up the discussion on the other topics, feel free to participate there ;)