snivilised / pixa

🧙 Directory tree based bulk image processor (Also serves as a working example of how to use extendio, cobrass and arcadia)
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creation of dry run files interferes with subsequent runs #171

Closed plastikfan closed 3 months ago

plastikfan commented 3 months ago

The dummy dry run files are seen as input on subsequent runs. We either need to filter out the dry run files, or abandon the idea of creating dry run files altogether.

When performing a dry run, what the user needs to see are which inout files are goinf to be processed. In linear mode, the user will see all the inputs and all the outputs. For the textutal mode, the user will not necessarily see whats happening, othere than to see that something is happening. This is because the view will always be over-writing itself and the user will have to spot the changes in realtime. The user can if they wish, look at the log files.