snkas / hypatia

Low earth orbit (LEO) satellite network simulation framework.
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`` cannot generate constellation #3

Closed ShiGuangzhao closed 3 years ago

ShiGuangzhao commented 3 years ago

hello, I am using to generates dynamic visualizations for entire constellation (multiple shells). However, when I open the output HTML file in Google Chrome, there is only the earth and no constellations in the webpage.

I found through debugging that a Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED error occurred when loading the json file. This problem was solved by opening the file with the Live Server plug-in of VS Code.

Then the error of Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET appeared at this time. It seems that there was an error in parsing the JSON file? The details are shown in the figure. Could you help me with this problem? Thank you.

Shi Guangzhao


puyanguvic commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have a similar problem as yours when visualizing the constellation. Have you solved the problem? Thank you!

ZhengYuNing8988 commented 3 years ago

I also meet the problem that only the earth but not Starlink .And I use "live sever" also cannot solve the problem.

debopambhattacherjee commented 3 years ago

Please download the latest version of the code and check if the problem has been fixed. We have stopped using JSON objects for constellation visualization.