1: Run scoreNormalizer.py passing parameter "CSE112" to ensure it will generate a csv
2: Verify that it runs and prints several lines to the terminal including "Data exported to scores.csv".
-If there is a connection error, the terminal will say "connection failed." and stop.
3: Verify that scoreNormalizer.py makes a file "scores.csv" in the same directory as the program.
4: Verify that data is written to scores.csv
5: Look at tethys.cse.buffalo.edu , database cse442_542_2019_summer_teame_db, and table cse442.
6:Enter the following sets of data into submitted_scores for each student:
brconomo | brconomo@buffalo.edu,0,1,2,3,0:jeh24@buffalo.edu,2,2,2,2,2:snmackay@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3
jeh24 | brconomo@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3:jeh24@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3:snmackay@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3
snmackay | brconomo@buffalo.edu,0,0,0,0,0:jeh24@buffalo.edu,0,0,0,0,0:snmackay@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3
7: This mathematically works out to brconomo submitting 31 points totally, jeh24 submitting 45, and snmackay submitting 15.
8: This works out to: brconomo receiving 6/31, 15/45, and 0/15 points normalized.
jeh24 receiving 10/31, 15/45, 0/45 points normalized.
snmackay receiving 15/31,15/45,15/15 points normalized.
9: The script should find these and sum them then divide by the number of students to get the average. The application should produce:
brconomo - 0.1756
jeh24 - 0.2186
snmackay - 0.6057
10: As an additional test, any time a student has submitted no grades the program will catch it and not crash, rather printing an empty list to the .csv for the score. This was to prevent undefined behavior when testing but should prove useful. To show this, enter a student completely into the database but do not enter any scores.
TEST: 1: Run scoreNormalizer.py passing parameter "CSE112" to ensure it will generate a csv 2: Verify that it runs and prints several lines to the terminal including "Data exported to scores.csv". -If there is a connection error, the terminal will say "connection failed." and stop. 3: Verify that scoreNormalizer.py makes a file "scores.csv" in the same directory as the program. 4: Verify that data is written to scores.csv 5: Look at tethys.cse.buffalo.edu , database cse442_542_2019_summer_teame_db, and table cse442.
6:Enter the following sets of data into submitted_scores for each student: brconomo | brconomo@buffalo.edu,0,1,2,3,0:jeh24@buffalo.edu,2,2,2,2,2:snmackay@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3 jeh24 | brconomo@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3:jeh24@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3:snmackay@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3 snmackay | brconomo@buffalo.edu,0,0,0,0,0:jeh24@buffalo.edu,0,0,0,0,0:snmackay@buffalo.edu,3,3,3,3,3
7: This mathematically works out to brconomo submitting 31 points totally, jeh24 submitting 45, and snmackay submitting 15. 8: This works out to: brconomo receiving 6/31, 15/45, and 0/15 points normalized. jeh24 receiving 10/31, 15/45, 0/45 points normalized. snmackay receiving 15/31,15/45,15/15 points normalized. 9: The script should find these and sum them then divide by the number of students to get the average. The application should produce: brconomo - 0.1756 jeh24 - 0.2186 snmackay - 0.6057
10: As an additional test, any time a student has submitted no grades the program will catch it and not crash, rather printing an empty list to the .csv for the score. This was to prevent undefined behavior when testing but should prove useful. To show this, enter a student completely into the database but do not enter any scores.