snobu / destreamer

Save Microsoft Stream videos for offline enjoyment.
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aria2c exec buffer overflow on aria2c... again #254

Closed Alex2610 closed 3 years ago

Alex2610 commented 3 years ago

Sorry but verbose will probably come tomorrow...

os win 10 pro ram 16 gb gpu rx580 8 gb cpu ryzen 1600

Launch command used: .\destreamer.cmd -f .txt -o D:*\ -k -u **@*****

Verbose log ``` tomorrow.... too tired (@about 5h of downloaded queque) ```
lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Are you sure you are running the latest version of the new branch? Could you check doing a pull or the output of git show --oneline -s is 'fixed buffer maxLenght exceded on aria2c daemon'

Sorry if I'm asking but I have to make sure the bug is still there since I just updated and I don't have a lot of time to work on Destreamer

Alex2610 commented 3 years ago

Don't worry, i am sure I've downloaded the last one because I've tried it today. However git show --oneline -s prints out "[...] fixed buffer maxLenght exceeded [...]"

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Fuck me... I don't know when a fix will come, I'm sorry

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Oh and for the token I know, haven't implemented the refresh again on the new branch

Alex2610 commented 3 years ago

No worries man, thanks for your work on this project. I'm going to split my *.txt and add many "&" in a (.CMD) batch file 😂

Alex2610 commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that splitting the *.txt in multiple ones and creating a batch file (.CMD) with multiple "&" between commands solves both problems as a "temporary workaround".

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that splitting the *.txt in multiple ones and creating a batch file (.CMD) with multiple "&" between commands solves both problems as a "temporary workaround".

Hi @Alex2610, can you kindly tell me where you put the &?
My command looks like this: cmd /k destreamer - -outputDirectory "C:/Users/Alex/Desktop" \ -f "C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/myFile.txt"

Alex2610 commented 3 years ago

example of "autodownload.cmd" : pause [pause so it does not start automatically if you doubleclick it wrongly] & del .\.token_cache [used to renew the token] & .\destreamer.cmd -f file1.txt -o C:/Users/Alex/Desktop -k -u user@mail [or configure it as you want] & del .\.token_cache [as i mentioned above...] & .\destreamer.cmd -f file2.txt -o C:/Users/Alex/Desktop -k -u user@mail & del .\.token_cache [and so on]

put the .cmd file in the ./destreamer directory.

Profit :)

Alex2610 commented 3 years ago

delete all the [] brackets

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot! But in this way I have to copy all the links one by one, usually I would create a .txt file and it would take them automatically. Patience, if it is the only method that does not give me the error, I will do it.

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

@Alex2610 and @Alex87a Alexes (:P) could you please try again with the entire list of urls? I want to see if I finally killed this annoying bug.

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

@Alex2610 and @Alex87a Alexes (:P) could you please try again with the entire list of urls? I want to see if I finally killed this annoying bug.

Good evening @lukaarma! We have given you some work these days, thank you for fulfilling our requests. Could you please tell me how to update the line of code on my destreamer? I'm impractical...

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Just do a git pull in the Destreamer folder

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

Basta fare un git pullnella cartella Destreamer

Ok, the previous problem seems to have been solved, however after 4 lessons another problem related to the ffmpeg is encountered:

[ERROR] Error: Command failed: ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\video-8560-wEAlOfIQFEl6\General -" -i "C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\audio-8560-F2yDKP8kvu4d\General -" -c copy "C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\General - 2020-09-30.mp4" at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:635:11) at Object.execSync (child_process.js:671:15) at downloadVideo (C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\destreamer\build\src\destreamer.js:247:25) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) at async main (C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\destreamer\build\src\destreamer.js:290:5)

[FATAL ERROR] Unhandled error or uncaught exception! Please check your download directory/directories and try again. If this keep happening please report it on github ""

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

For some, to me unknown, reason the ffmpeg command failed..try again and hope for the best right now, best I can do sorry

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

@ Alex2610 e @ Alex87a Alexes (: P) potresti riprovare con l'intero elenco di URL? Voglio vedere se finalmente ho ucciso questo fastidioso bug.

Nothing @lukaarma, today after four downloaded videos the annoying error reappeared. I am sorry that your work has been rendered useless by this.

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Could you please paste here the error?

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

Could you please paste here the error?

Yes, the mistake is: "[ERROR] stdout maxBuffer length exceeded

[FATAL ERROR] The aria2c rpc server crashed with the previous message".

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

"[ERROR] stdout maxBuffer length exceeded

I'm 99% sure you don't have successfully updated the repo since i changed this error message, did you do a git pull? Or you can download an updated .zip file here

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

"[ERROR] stdout maxBuffer length exceeded

I'm 99% sure you don't have successfully updated the repo since i changed this error message, did you do a git pull? Or you can download an updated .zip file here

No absolutely not, I did exactly what you told me. I'll tell you more: he downloaded exactly 19 modifications (If I remember correctly).

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Could you please run git show --oneline -s and paste here the result @Alex87a ?

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

Potresti eseguire git show --oneline -se incollare qui il risultato @ Alex87a ?

Sure @lukaarma : Alex@GATEWAY MINGW64 ~/Desktop/destreamer (aria2c_forRealNow) $ git show --oneline -s 1763dc8 (HEAD -> aria2c_forRealNow, origin/aria2c_forRealNow) changed exec in favour of spawn for aria2c (should solve and close #254)

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

This is the result with git pull instead: "Alex@GATEWAY MINGW64 ~/Desktop/destreamer (aria2c_forRealNow) $ git pull Already up to date."

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Did you rebuild after the pull? I just realized that probably that I never asked you if you did

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

Did you rebuild after the pull? I just realized that probably that I never asked you if you did

Sorry but I don't really know what you mean. I'm not very practical, I'm a neophyte. If you tell me what to do I do it. I just did git pull, avoiding doing anything else, because I didn't know whether to do anything else.

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

run npm run -s build so that the code you downloaded is translated in what you actually run. You should always run that command after an update :D That should solve it

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Did the error happen again @Alex87a?

Alex87a commented 3 years ago

Did the error happen again @Alex87a?

Hi @lukaarma, for now the error seems to have never happened again, thank you very much!

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

Nice! I hereby declare this bug exterminated.