snobu / destreamer

Save Microsoft Stream videos for offline enjoyment.
MIT License
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I cannot open #328

Closed Snoteleks closed 3 years ago

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

Whenever I double click on the file "", a black window shows up before closing itself shortly after. I've followed every step correctly in "How to build", it's the "Usage" part that I can't figure out. Please help. Thank you.

Edit: forgot to add, I also tried to plug "./", "/", and "" to the regular cmd black window that appears when I search for "cmd" in the Windows 10 search bar. The system doesn't recognize it as a valid command.

lukaarma commented 3 years ago

You have to be in the Destreamer folder where all the files are (use cd to move between folders, plenty of tutorials if you need to learn that) and if you are using CMD you have to use destreamer.cmd not .ah

Hope this helps :)

Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

yep run it from cmd or powershell, if your on windows use .cmd instead of sh

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

I tried opening destreamer.cmd, and the same thing happens... won't open for more than a milisecond then close itself!

snobu commented 3 years ago

You don't open it. You open cmd.exe and then you type in the download command - see README for samples.

destreamer.cmd -i ""
Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

I opened cmd.exe and typed the download command, and it said:

"destreamer.cmd" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

did you remember to do .\destreamer.cmd or did you just write destreamer.cmd because for it to work you would need to use .\destreamer.cmd

also make sure to be in the folder while running the commands, i suggest you look back at the

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

firstly, when I do .\destreamer.cmd or ./destreamer.cmd it tells me the same thing: it is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

secondly, I am in the folder while running the commands, but the only place I can write is in the black "cmd.exe" windows. If I open any file named "destreamer (which are in the folder) directly by double-clicking on them, they close themselves immediately

I have looked at the but please have patience with me because I'm not good at this stuff, I really do need y'all's help

Edit: sorry i closed the issue accidentally

Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

I am truly sorry if I sounded impatient it wasn't at you I was working on an assignment at the time! Try opening the folder where you saved the files in file explorer then type cmd in the hot bar (i put in an image of the hotbar) image

Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

then run the commands npm install and when that is done do npm run build after that try ./destreamer.cmd again

Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

to download the video you need use the command ./destreamer.cmd -i "the video url goes here"

snobu commented 3 years ago

You don't need the .\ in cmd.exe.

C:\blahblah\destreamer\>destreamer.cmd -i "the video url goes here"
Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

Either way it works

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

It finally recognized the command! Except..... (sorry it's in Spanish)


(I tried every possible combination and only .\destreamer.cmd was recognized lol) So yeah basically ffmpeg isn't recognized even though I downloaded the ffmpeg file and put it in the same folder as the README, like the instructions said. It says the file is too old but ??? i followed the same link on the README to and that's the earliest download.... right?

Btw thank you for your patience you did not sound impatient at all i was just worried

Edit: i downloaded the ffmpeg snapshot again and the same thing happened

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

hello I tried again with the FFmpeg 4.3.2 "4:3" that was literally released 6 DAYS AGO and is "the latest version" and it still tells me the version is too old :( i plugged in the same command as before


Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

[](download this) extract it then drag everything from the folder called "bin" to the destreamer folder

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

oh my GOD IT WORKED it finally worked im so happy, thank you all so much, i cannot stress enough how important your help has been

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

quick question...... how do i convert the MKV videos to MP4

Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

when you run the command use .\destreamer.cmd -i "video url goes here" --format "mp4" so just add --format "mp4" to whatever command you use

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

wow it works, this is truly amazing, thank you for your help

Noah-It-All commented 3 years ago

no problem! if thats all could you close the issue? Have a nice day and if you ever need help with something just open an issue and @ me!

Snoteleks commented 3 years ago

yes ofc thank u