snobu / destreamer

Save Microsoft Stream videos for offline enjoyment.
MIT License
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./ --help erroe #334

Closed stathis-coder closed 3 years ago

stathis-coder commented 3 years ago

When I try to use any destreamer commands (for example" ./ --help") i always get the same error message, the error message is " '.' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." Could you please help me understand how to fix this problem?

BachoSeven commented 3 years ago

I suppose you're on windows, so you probably need to use the destreamer.ps1 script instead of the .sh one. You should also use a backslash instead of a normal slash, meaning the final command will be .\destreamer.ps1 --help, for instance.

stathis-coder commented 3 years ago

yes you are correct i am on windows i tried the back slash and ".ps1" and no the error message is "'.\destreamer.ps1' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.", i believe maby i did something wrong in the setup, i did afterall have some problems with ffmpeg because i couldn't figure out how to execute the install of ffmpeg. Do you mayebe have a suggestion on how to install ffmpeg.(thank you for your kind disponibility)

BachoSeven commented 3 years ago

This has nothing to do with ffmpeg(for which you can get binaries at, for instance this ones). For your issue, make sure you are in the right directory(use cd to navigate to the folder where you downloaded this repo; C:\\Users\myuser\Downloads\destreamer or somethings).

BachoSeven commented 3 years ago

@stathis-coder I assume from your repositories that you're italian; if you still need help with this feel free to contact me on telegram.

snobu commented 3 years ago

For clarity, if you're on Windows, just open PowerShell and use.\destreamer.ps1 to launch this project.