snohio / devopsorlando

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Create a Template for Meetup Event #24

Closed snohio closed 4 months ago

snohio commented 4 months ago

Create a Template for Meetup Event

User Story

As a member of the organizing team of Orlando DevOps Meetup Group, I would like to have a template created for Events so that we can easily create tasks for upcoming events.


Extra Notes

NOTE: Use one of the existing Meetups as an example

snohio commented 4 months ago

Here is the direct link to the Meetup Event Template

It also can be found by creating a new Issue in this Repo and selecting Meetup Event Template

mbuchoff commented 4 months ago

@snohio, can you add a note into the template about planning food? Since I don't have a Settings button next to Insights, I don't think I have privileges to go into the template and add it myself.


snohio commented 4 months ago

I will, but you can update and edit. It is just a .md file here: