snohio / devopsorlando

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Create a new Survey - call it the Semi-annual survey #27

Closed snohio closed 4 months ago

snohio commented 4 months ago

Create a new Survey - call it the Semi-annual survey

User Story

As a co-organizer of the Orlando DevOps community group, I would like to have a new survey created and promoted so that we can gauge interest in topics, events and other things


Some new things we are interested in.

Extra Notes

Let @snohio know if you need help.

mbuchoff commented 4 months ago


Would you pay $50 for a one-day Unconference in Orlando this summer?

Is this question referring to an Unconference with the Orlando DevOps group or just in general?

mbuchoff commented 4 months ago

Just started working on it.


snohio commented 4 months ago

Is this question referring to an Unconference with the Orlando DevOps group or just in general?

I am thinking of seeing if there is interest for all ODevs Community Groups to do an All ODEVS one. So in that regard - in general. I'd like to gather interested in a paid unconference. We just don't have the sponsorship like Code Camp has to do something free. Given the time, we'd likely not get many sponsors to do it. Unconferences are supposed to be pretty open. The $50 is for space and food, basically.

mbuchoff commented 4 months ago

@RecoveringChef, do you have an image of a Orlando DevOps t-shirt that I can use?

mbuchoff commented 4 months ago

Note for the next semiannual survey:

snohio commented 4 months ago

I made a few minor changes. I'm not sure if I really care to ask the social media questions again, although a "Do you prefer to sign up on Meetup or eventbrite?" would be good to know.

snohio commented 4 months ago

I'd like to have this done by 2/23 so I can print a QR code and put it in my slide deck as well.

mbuchoff commented 4 months ago

@snohio, I just re-read through the survey and I think it's complete.

mbuchoff commented 4 months ago

@snohio, I'm going to advance the status of this issue, but if you disagree, feel free to kick it back.