Reach out to other meetup groups for a joint event
User Story
As a co-organizer of Orlando DevOps group, I would like to organize a meetup event with other meetup groups so that we can attract new members and help our existing members become aware of new networking opportunities.
[x] Confirm that the other organizers are alright with this
[x] Create a list of groups we would like to reach out to
[ ] Create a template that includes suggested events (what), venues (where), and date/times (when).
Ideas for events
Presentation of what is DevOps
Presentation of what the other group does
Combined workshop, maybe involving CI/CDing or IACing onto the platform associated with the group (or JIRA tickets, in the case of Agile)
A social, plain and simple. Maybe two rounds of Lean Coffee, one associated with topics related to our group and one related to their's.
Hi, I'm from the Orlando DevOps software engineering group. We're interested in putting on a joint event to let our members know about other groups, as well as letting their members know about ours. Is this something you'd be open to?
We're pretty open, but to get the ball rolling, here are some ideas:
Presentation of what is DevOps
Combined workshop, maybe involving CI/CDing or IACing onto the platform associated with OTHER GROUP (OR JIRA TICKETS, IN THE CASE OF AGILE).
A social. For example often do Lean Coffee (June 12, May 8, April 10). We can mix topics relating to both our groups.
And here are some suggested dates:
Wed, August 28
Wed, Sept 11
Sat, Sept 28
Wed, Oct 9
Wed, Oct 23
Wed, Nov 13
We're not sticklers, so if you prefer some other idea/date/etc, feel free to suggest it. Thanks!
[ ] Reach out to those groups
[ ] Add calendar remembers to bump unanswered messages
Reach out to other meetup groups for a joint event
User Story
As a co-organizer of Orlando DevOps group, I would like to organize a meetup event with other meetup groups so that we can attract new members and help our existing members become aware of new networking opportunities.