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Research Github Org creation for Orlando DevOps #5

Open snohio opened 1 year ago

snohio commented 1 year ago

Orlando DevOps GitHub Repo

User Story

As a co-organizer of Orlando DevOps group, I would like to research and possibly create a Github org specifically for the Orlando DevOps group so that we can keep all of the Hackathon, Orlando DevOps notes, Web content and anything else we do in a unified and transferable location.


Extra Notes

mbuchoff commented 1 year ago

This depends on whether we choose to join O'Devs. Should we make an item in this project for that conversation?

mbuchoff commented 1 year ago

@snohio, I sense there's not much enthusiasm around this task. Should we close it?

snohio commented 1 year ago

@mbuchoff - No. We'll either get access to the ODevs one or create one. We need a place to put this stuff besides my repo. We're kinda currently blocked on ODevs information. I also want to start some sort of basic website / whether that is full fledged site or just sitting behind github pages using 11ty (what ODevs uses) or Docusaurus or MKDocs. Something that is a central place for info.

mdaverde commented 6 months ago

Btw, GitHub provides free GitHub Team for organizations with 501(c)3 status

Also I wanted to add this link as a reference to a GitHub organization that already exists:

mdaverde commented 6 months ago

Here's the Eleventy site that is currently in use:

Notably, not in the above GitHub organization

mbuchoff commented 6 months ago

@mdaverde, links added to

mdaverde commented 6 months ago

Also came across this subdomain: Not sure if its being used?

Another idea: we would ideally move this project into the OrlandoDevs GitHub org? Maybe something we can do at the Hackathon this weekend?

snohio commented 5 months ago

I am still trying to get access to the existing OrlandoDevs github org. There are currently 4 members of that org and none of them are still participating in Orlando Devs. Brian Shacklett is trying to get one of us added.