snoplus / tellie

The timing ELLIE LED calibration system
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Fix PIN readings in ORCA #41

Closed mnirkko closed 6 years ago

mnirkko commented 6 years ago

This recent fix to the Python code reconciles previous versions all running in parallel. It's been tested this week and has been shown to work, both locally (Sussex test bench / SNODROP) and when pulsing via ORCA. The main change is that read_pin_sequence() now returns just one 'None' if it's not ready yet (works for XML-RPC used by ORCA interface), and handles exceptions appropriately in the Python testing scripts.

This also contains commits from earlier PR's, such as increasing the maximal channel number to 105 to include AMELLIE (channels 97-104).

EdLeming commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this Martti, looks good
