snotskie / EpistemicNetworkAnalysis.jl

Native implementation of Epistemic Network Analysis written in the Julia programming language. Based on rENA
GNU General Public License v3.0
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add example for how to plot single / few units #66

Open snotskie opened 2 months ago

snotskie commented 2 months ago

document this by making an example page about it:

if you want to plot one a few (or just one) unit, without it scaling down based on the total grand mean, you should be able to do something like the following:

interestingUnits = ["JaneDoe", "JackDoe"]
interestingModel = ENAModel(model, rotateBy=TrainedRotation(model), unitFilter=unit -> unit.unitID in interestingUnits)
plot(interestingModel, groupBy=:unitID)

(not yet tested)