snowdrop / release-manager

Jira Java Client Tool
3 stars 6 forks source link

Suggestion: Build a container image of the tool #104

Closed cmoulliard closed 3 years ago

cmoulliard commented 3 years ago


I propose/suggest that we build a container image of the "issue-manager" to avoid that a lambda user must git clone the project locally and build it to use it. The image could be build automatically using a github action and next pushed on snowdrop

WDYT ? @jacobdotcosta @metacosm @gytis

metacosm commented 3 years ago

Which lambda user? Presumably everyone who will use that tool knows how to build and run a java application… and I'd rather avoid unnecessary work and CO2 emissions if there's no clear utility to generating an image.

cmoulliard commented 3 years ago

and I'd rather avoid unnecessary work and CO2 emissions

x individual downloads followed by x mvn package cost certainly more than using a container build image ...

metacosm commented 3 years ago

and I'd rather avoid unnecessary work and CO2 emissions

x individual downloads followed by x mvn package cost certainly more than using a container build image ...

Not when the image is automatically generated on each push by CI…

cmoulliard commented 3 years ago

Added a github workflow action for that purpose