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佛系CursorNotReadAllDataError的bug,会被select的col的顺序影响... #29

Closed fatpo closed 6 years ago

fatpo commented 6 years ago

版本: tormysql==0.2.9 tornado==4.2

2018-02-01 17:11:38,443 [ERROR] If cursor not read all data, the connection next query is error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/www/myapp/biz_handlers/gongxiu/", line 43, in run
    yield GongxiuService.wrap_info_to_pb(conn, gx_info, pb_gx)
  File "/data/python_venv/chanzai_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 870, in run
    value = future.result()
  File "/data/python_venv/chanzai_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 215, in result
  File "/data/python_venv/chanzai_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 879, in run
    yielded = self.gen.send(value)
  File "/data/www/myapp/service/gongxiu/", line 46, in wrap_info_to_pb
    pb.creator.avatar = settings.QINIU_HTTP_HOST + '/' + settings.QINIU_DEFAULT_HEAD_IMG_KEY
  File "/data/python_venv/chanzai_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tormysql/", line 76, in __exit__
    raise CursorNotReadAllDataError("If cursor not read all data, the connection next query is error.")
CursorNotReadAllDataError: If cursor not read all data, the connection next query is error.
2018-02-01 17:11:38,444 [INFO] 200 POST /api?type=json ( 62.65ms

我的代码如下: 外层:

            with (yield pool.Connection()) as conn:
                yield conn.commit()

                for gx_info in gx_infos:
                    pb_gx = self.rsp_info.rsp.gongxius.add()
                    yield GongxiuService.wrap_info_to_pb(conn, gx_info, pb_gx)


    def wrap_info_to_pb(cls, conn, info, pb):
        with conn.cursor() as cursor:
            # 补充用户头像 + 用户名
            sql = "select nick_name, user_name, head_img from %s.user where `status`=0 and id=%s" % (
                settings.db_zizaihome_name, info.creator_id)
            yield cursor.execute(sql)
            item = cursor.fetchone()
            if item:
                if item['nick_name']:
                    pb.creator.username = item['nick_name']
                elif item['user_name']:
                    pb.creator.username = item['user_name']
                if item['head_img']:
                    pb.creator.avatar = item['head_img']
                    pb.creator.avatar = settings.QINIU_HTTP_HOST + '/' + settings.QINIU_DEFAULT_HEAD_IMG_KEY


select user_name, nick_name, head_img from dev.user where `status`=0 and id=100001


select nick_name, user_name, head_img from dev.user where `status`=0 and id=100001

再也没出现bug。。。 为什么呢...不就是user_name和nick_name的顺序换了一下而已嘛??? orz..

fatpo commented 6 years ago

0.2.9升级到0.3.6后,解决了这个问题。。 但是如果再从0.3.6降级到0.2.9后,报错:

    with (yield chanzai_pool.Connection()) as conn:
  File "/Users/ouyang/PycharmProjects/python_venv/myapp_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 1055, in run
    value = future.result()
  File "/Users/ouyang/PycharmProjects/python_venv/myapp_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 238, in result
  File "/Users/ouyang/PycharmProjects/python_venv/myapp_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tormysql/", line 14, in finish
    result = fun(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/ouyang/PycharmProjects/python_venv/myapp_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tormysql/", line 268, in connect
    raise exc
OperationalError: (2003, 'Can\'t connect to MySQL server on (OperationalError(2006, "MySQL server has gone away (StreamClosedError(\'Stream is closed\',))"))')
2018-02-01 19:26:54,121 [ERROR] 500 POST /api?type=json ( 1260.81ms

发现是因为tornado被升级到4.5.2,降级之...发现bug竟然修复了... orz... 也就是说,我进行了一次升级

pip install tornado==4.5.2
pip install tormysql==0.3.6


pip install tornado==4.2
pip install tormysql==0.2.9


snower commented 6 years ago



fatpo commented 6 years ago

使用fetchone()只拿第一条数据,可能返回n条,此时with生命周期结束,就有可能造成结果集混乱?? 岂不是太过于可怕。。
难道每次使用fetchone()我都要在sql语句中加一个limit 1?

snower commented 6 years ago

fetchone通过连接返回数据是异步的,yield就是标记等待数据返回啊,但是with退出exit并不支持yield等待语法,不能完成等待数据读取完成的过程,所以只能外部完成数据读取,然后再退出with作用域 如果你使用Python2的话,那么要么限制limit1,要么使用fetchall,然后再取第一条数据 如果python3的话,with有异步语法支持,你直接只用异步语法就行