snowflakedb / gosnowflake

Go Snowflake Driver
Apache License 2.0
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SNOW-1313544 Parallel operations on different roles cause program to crash (race condition on temporal credential cache) #1092

Closed Oracen closed 4 months ago

Oracen commented 5 months ago

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. In order to accurately debug the issue this information is required. Thanks!

Linked issue:

  1. What version of GO driver are you using? v1.7.5

  2. What operating system and processor architecture are you using? linux_amd64 (Fedora)

  3. What version of GO are you using?

1.19 (though I'm actually executing against Terraform v1.7.1)

4.Server version:* E.g. 1.90.1 You may get the server version by running a query: Unable to check at this point in time, though its a race condition error on my local machine so irrelevant.

  1. What did you do? See the linked issue here for full details:

In short, the client seems to be attempting to overwrite a shared map for some reason. This only happens when I am caching credentials for 2 different roles, and when there are many concurrent operations. Current guess is a race condition as the two logins overwrite one another.

  1. What did you expect to see?

    What should have happened and what happened instead? No crash, either separate storage of both lots of temp credentials or share the session and dynamically swap the roles.

  2. Can you set logging to DEBUG and collect the logs?

Will amend the issue with further logging tomorrow

  1. What is your Snowflake account identifier, if any? (Optional)
sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 5 months ago

hi and thank you for raising this issue - also for linking the Terraform Provider one + collecting the stacktrace, very helpful!

We already use a RWMutex for guarding read, write, and delete operations on the temporary credential cache file, so since it obviously doesn't seem to work as intended, it would be great to be able to reproduce this locally.

can you please share a reproduction code, even a TF script, which when run can lead to this issue? It would be greatly helpful in testing this issue and its future solution. Thank you in advance !

Oracen commented 5 months ago

I can share it to you privately...this is our main DB architecture that triggered the issue so messing around with it for debugging purposes is a little bit scary. I'll send you an invite to a private repo, obvious rules about disclosure apply. Apologies to anyone following that we can't just let you into our core infra codebase :laughing:

I've thrown my email into the readme of that repo to establish a backchannel about details/debugging. It should be a "minimal reproduction" of the part that caused us concern.

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 5 months ago

This complicates the issue a bit and I might need to confer with our Legal team too if there's really no other way.

Is it perhaps possible to

I would understand if there is absolutely no other way besides seeing your actual infra definition, but I would like to avoid that as long as possible and really have it as a last resort, just to prevent any possible future complications. Thank you for understanding!

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 4 months ago

there seems to have been a comment here for a moment which is now deleted, although it had very good ideas. Based on it, tried to reproduce the issue:

When running terraform apply / destroy / plan, the following happens:

Then I tried to run the terraform commands (e.g. plan) in a loop which trigger the Snowflake connection , thus token creation, but could not get to the issue where the race condition would cause the same file to be written/read at the same time and thus cause a panic.

So i'm probably missing something, and therefore it would be really helpful if I could get further details for the repro (or an actual repro which reproduces the issue without having access to a production infrastructure definition without a NDA :) )

Oracen commented 4 months ago

I'll see what I can do, but there's the issue of only having the designated snowflake account to play with right now. I'll transition this to my personal machine to get a repro, as this is in dicey territory with respect to what I can share.

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 4 months ago

that would be really helpful, thank you in advance! for the accounts; you can always sign up for a fresh trial account with $400 of free usage (recommended); or if you're ORGADMIN in your organization then CREATE and DROP accounts for testing.

Oracen commented 4 months ago

I didn't realise we could drop accounts, I'll create a dummy account and see what I can do

Oracen commented 4 months ago

I just upgraded our TF provider to 0.88.0, confirmed the issue is still present there.

Full repro steps:

  1. Create new account, standard edition. Name it SANDBOX.
  2. Set the following flags:
    alter account set ALLOW_ID_TOKEN = true;
    alter account set ALLOW_CLIENT_MFA_CACHING = true;
  3. Create a new user to access the system, log in and enable Duo MFA.
  4. Get the Terraform code, discussed in detail below.
  5. CD into src/architecture
  6. In src/architecture, create a file called secrets.tfvars. Fill in the following details.
  7. Initialise the provider with terraform init
  8. Create a workspace for your code, named the same as your account name (in this case, sandbox). The command is terraform workspace new sandbox. This will automatically select the new env
  9. Run terraform apply -var-file=secrets.tfvars. The provider crashes.

With respect to code availability:

I invited you to a private repo containing sanitised Terraform config. It still contains IP in terms of the management structure, but shouldn't pose a legal issue due to our legal teams having signed a mutual NDA. As long as I'm not blasting it all over the internet, my employer won't mind a private repo.

Alternatively, if there really is no other option, I can further sanitise and attach a .zip file. I'd prefer to keep that file private, and I'll reach out via my account rep to get in touch with you directly.


As part of the repro I managed to get a run with trace level logging. It's still heavily in the Terraform code but might hint at how the locking issue is happening. It's from a second failed run where I remembered to run the logging, but between you and the Terraform team it should give more context. Trying to send as a gist kept breaking Github so apologies for the zip.

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 4 months ago

thank you for all the details. tried to accept the invite but by now it has expired. so came up with the following (after enabling MFA for both users in both accounts), inspired by the user who deleted their comment:

terraform {
  required_version = "~> 1.3"

  required_providers {
    snowflake = {
      source  = "Snowflake-Labs/snowflake"
      version = "0.88.0"

provider "snowflake" {
  alias         = "root"
  role          = "SYSADMIN"
  account       = "myorg-myaccount"
  user          = "admin"
  password  = "password"
  authenticator  = "UsernamePasswordMFA"
  client_store_temporary_credential = true
  client_request_mfa_token = true

provider "snowflake" {
  alias         = "dev"
  account       = "myorg-myaccount2"
  authenticator = "UsernamePasswordMFA"
  role          = "ACCOUNTADMIN"
  user          = "admin2"
  password  = "password"
  client_store_temporary_credential = true
  client_request_mfa_token = true

variable "database_names" {
  type    = list(string)
  # 1000-element array ;)
  default = ["testing10" ,"testing11" ,"testing12" .. ,"testing1009" ,"testing1010"]

resource "snowflake_database" "simple_root_loop" {
  for_each                 = toset(var.database_names)
  name                     = each.value
  comment                     = "test comment"
  data_retention_time_in_days = 1

  provider = snowflake.root

resource "snowflake_database" "simple_dev_loop" {
  for_each                 = toset(var.database_names)
  name                     = each.value
  comment                     = "test comment"
  data_retention_time_in_days = 1

  provider =

this reproduced the problem, gosnowflake crashed with the same fatal error: concurrent map writes as in your error report.

we'll investigate and would like to thank you again for all the details !

Oracen commented 4 months ago

No worries, sorry I could't be more helpful! Bug couldn't have come at a worse time, schedule-wise :laughing:

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 4 months ago

gosnowflake part fixed in, which will be part of April 2024 release towards the end of the month.

Once it's released, the Snowflake Terraform Provider can be rebased onto it and also needs a new release to carry the fixed gosnowflake.

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 4 months ago

released with 2024 April release cycle, version 1.10.0