Open nhung-ER opened 4 weeks ago
@nhung-ER Could you please provide the following details:
Hey @sfc-gh-obielov Apologies, of course it would help. Microsoft - new connector in BETA atm QGIS Version - 3.38.2 Happened with Polygon dataset I have - Can confirm type is Geography as Geometry is not yet supported for microsoft.
Some layers don't throw an error and it just does nothing and some tables I get this error:
Running snowflake convert column to layer task failed. Extended error information: 000904 (42000): SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 7 invalid identifier 'ACARA'
Can't provide steps unfortunately as it's a closed database.
Thanks @nhung-ER, I assume you use Windows 11, is that correct?
@nhung-ER could you please try v.0.8.2 and let me know if the issue still exists?
Hi Team, Like the other poster, I am able to connect and have the layers appear just fine. Issue is, I can't seem to display the data. I get the SFConvertColumnToLayerTask run failed.
Not sure if it is how we store the data.