snowflakedb / snowflake-connector-nodejs

NodeJS driver
Apache License 2.0
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SNOW-358605: 'connection.isUp()' method returns wrong result for terminated connection #168

Closed abhijeet-pandhe closed 1 year ago

abhijeet-pandhe commented 3 years ago

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What version of NodeJS are you using (node --version and npm --version)? NodeJS: v12.22.1 npm: 6.14.12

  2. What operating system and processor architecture are you using? No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic

  3. What are the component versions in the environment (npm list)? snowflake-sdk@1.6.1

  4. What did you do? I'm building a custom connection pool for the Snowflake node connector. I couldn't find any method in Snowflake docs to check if the connection is still valid or not. Looking through the 'snowflake-sdk' library I found a method named isUp() which says it "returns true if the connection is active otherwise false". I used this isUp() method to validate the connection before returning it to my query worker which will execute the query.

  5. What did you expect to see? I expect isUp() to return true if the connection is active otherwise false (even if the connection is terminated by Snowflake i.e. not destroyed from my code)

  6. What did you see instead? While testing this I found out that isUp() returns true if the connection is kept ideal until it's terminated from the Snowflake side (i.e. not destroyed by my code). Due to this, my connection pool thinks it is still a valid connection and returns it to my query worker. And by querying using this connection I get "Unable to perform operation using terminated connection" error.

Is there any correct way/method for checking if the connection is still valid?

MadhuPolu commented 2 years ago

Here I'm posting my workaround, and hope that it'll be helpful for someone who will be looking for the same.

private connection = this.getConnection();
private retryWaitTime = 300;

getConnection() {
    return snowflake.createConnection({

async getQueryResults<T>(sqlText: string) {
    const conn: any = await this.getEstablishedConnection();
    const rows: T = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
        complete: (err, stmt, rows) => {
          if (err) {
            if (
              err.code === 407002 ||
              err.message ===
                'Unable to perform operation using terminated connection.'
            ) {
               * Workaround for this issue:
              setTimeout(async () => {
                const _rows = await this.getQueryResults<T>(sqlText);
                res(_rows as T);
              }, this.retryWaitTime); // No chance for infinite looping here as it's not going to happen with in the getEstablishedConnection as per Today's code - Just double checking whether this needs #retrycounter or not
            } else {
                'Failed to execute statement due to the following error: ' +
          } else {
    return rows || [];

  async getEstablishedConnection() {
    const resolvedActiveConnection = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
      this.connection?.isUp() || false
        ? res(this.connection) // Serve the existing active connection if any since the service provider (ChartsService) singleton by default
        : this.connection.connect(
            (err: Error & { code: number; sqlState: number }, _connection) => {
              // Establish connection
              if (err) {
                // console.log('name: ',;
                // console.log('message: ', err.message);
                // console.log('code: ', err.code);
                // console.log('sqlState: ', err.sqlState);
                // console.log('error: ', Object.keys(err));
                if (
                  err.code === 405501 ||
                  err.message === 'Connection already in progress.'
                ) {
        '405501 message: ', err.message);
                  setTimeout(() => {
                  }, this.retryWaitTime); // No chance for infinite looping here as connection already in progress - Just double checking whether this needs #retrycounter or not
                } else if (
                  err.code === 405503 ||
                  err.message ===
                    'Connection already terminated. Cannot connect again.'
                ) {
        '405503 message: ', err.message);
                  this.connection = this.getConnection(); // Old connection can't be established, once existing connection gets terminated
                  setTimeout(() => {
                  }, 0); // No chance for infinite looping here as new connection is created before calling this - Just double checking whether this needs #retrycounter or not
                  // if (this.connection.isUp()) {
                  //   this.connection.destroy((err, conn) => {
                  //     if (err) {
                  //       console.error('Unable to disconnect: ' + err.message);
                  //     } else {
                  //       console.log(
                  //         'Disconnected connection with id: ' +
                  //           this.connection.getId(),
                  //       );
                  //       setTimeout(() => {
                  //         res(this.getEstablishedConnection());
                  //       }, this.retryWaitTime);
                  //     }
                  //   });
                  // }
                } else {
                  console.error(`Unable to connect, error: ${err.message}`);
              } else {
                console.log('Successfully connected to Snowflake.');
    return resolvedActiveConnection;
leoromanovsky commented 2 years ago

Hey @MadhuPolu thanks a lot for posting this! Unrelated but if you are wanting to format code and preserving spaces you can wrap it in three backticks at start and end:

export enum ocspModes {
MadhuPolu commented 2 years ago

hey @leoromanovsky, just edited by putting the three backticks, thanks for the tip.

varun-dc commented 2 years ago

Ran into this issue as well. Similarly, we're pooling connections. A simple workaround we got working was to perform a simple query first to see if the connection is terminated or not, which if terminated will result in isUp reporting the true status of the connection,

 * Performs a simple query to check if the connection is terminated
 * As a side effect, after this has run `client.isUp()` will report the true
 * status as well -- `isUp` may tell you `true` when in fact it's actually not
 * if you check without running a query first.
function checkConnectionIsTerminated(
  client: snowflake.Connection
): Promise<boolean> {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
      sqlText: "select 1",
      complete: (err) => {
livgust commented 2 years ago

This is still an issue for me, can it be re-opened?

OronMeller commented 1 year ago

We had the same issue, setting clientSessionKeepAlive = true in the connectionOptions seems to resolve it:

const options: ConnectionOptions = {
        clientSessionKeepAlive: true,
        clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency: 3600,

const connection: Connection = createConnection(options);
sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 1 year ago

massive apologies everyone, just stumbled across this issue which seems to be also amongst the ones that got auto-closed in summer of 2022.

Reopening it to investigate isUp() functionality

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 1 year ago

so it seems that the naming isUp() is indeed confusing as it does not seem to be answering the question of 'is it really possible to send a query over this connection' as the connection itself might be indeed up, but e.g. the session expired on the backend .. we'll look into this how this behaviour could be enhanced.

In the meantime, you can circumvent this behaviour by not allowing the connections to become stale and expired on the backend. One of the methods was already mentioned here (using clientSessionKeepAlive and keeping it alive), the other possible method is to configure the connection pool idle connection eviction mechanism which is off by default. Examples can be found over at issue 336.

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 1 year ago

523 #524

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 1 year ago

a new function has been implemented with #523 (edit: and with #525) in Connection, called isValidAsync() which will now hopefully be able to successfully answer the question which isUp() wasn't able: is this connection good to send a query over it ?

we'll work towards amending the official documentation accordingly, but until then a quick usage example perhaps could be what we use when creating the connection pool:

    this.validate = async function (connection)
      return await connection.isValidAsync();

isValidAsync is already readily available with npm i & co. and I'll also update this issue again once the next official release is out which carries this fix.

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 1 year ago

feature is now out with release 1.6.23

madhuri-dotpe commented 1 year ago

@sfc-gh-dszmolka do you know why clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency needs to be set if clientSessionKeepAlive is supposed to keep the connection alive indefinitely?

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 1 year ago

you only need to set clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency if you wish to set it to a different value than the default, which is 3600 seconds. (range: 900 - 3600) if you're good with the 'one keepalive heartbeat every hour' default behaviour, then you don't need to set clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency at all, only clientSessionKeepAlive


madhuri-dotpe commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reponse. here is my understanding, If clientSessionKeepAlive is set, we send out heartbeat every 1 hour(this time can be configured by the clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency option). One thing I am not sure of is, in what cases would we require clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency to be less than an hour?

sfc-gh-dszmolka commented 1 year ago

your understanding is correct ! a possible use-case which come into my mind for using a lower value for clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency would be if you have a proxy/firewall which tears down idle connections going through them, which are idle for more than X minutes. If the idle timeout is, say, 20 minutes on this intermediary node, then by sending a keepalive every 15 minutes you can keep the connection from turning idle and being torn down by the middle device.

of course if the middle device has a very low idle timeout tolerance which is less than 15 minute (the maximum frequency of the keepalives by clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency) but you have a long running application, you'll need to resort to some other solutions, like the ones provided by the built-in connection pool (evicting idle threads, which can be done even after few seconds) or even sending low-level keepalive probes from the kernel.

there might be other use-cases for clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency for which people use this setting on a lower value than 3600, this was just an example.

for the original use-case for having clientSessionKeepAlive enabled (refresh the Snowflake authentication token which has a 4-hour validity, to avoid errors like Authentication token has expired. The user must authenticate again. and needing to constantly log in), clientSessionKeepAliveHeartbeatFrequency can be left at the default and not even configured. It'll send keepalives hourly. Relevant knowledge article:

hope that clarifies but if you have further generic questions on how to use this driver , feel free to open a new Issue instead of commenting on a closed one - thank you in advance ! also we have an active Stack Overflow community for any kind of Snowflake-related technical questions, maybe it's also worth keeping that in mind for future reference.