snowfrogdev / snowfrogdev

Monorepo for NPM packages: @snowfrog/option, @snowfrog/result and others
8 stars 5 forks source link

Module not found #15

Closed bananenhoschi closed 2 years ago

bananenhoschi commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to use your library. I've some troubles to build the application. The app is bearly naked, that means just the unleash client lib and angular material. While building the app I receive this error:

./node_modules/@snowfrog/ngx-unleash-proxy-client/fesm2015/snowfrog-ngx-unleash-proxy-client.mjs:4:0-53 - Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'unleash-proxy-client' in 'C:\dev\ccyp\nostro\micro-frontends\feature-demo\node_modules\@snowfrog\ngx-unle

Error: node_modules/@snowfrog/ngx-unleash-proxy-client/lib/internal.d.ts:1:98 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'unleash-proxy-client' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 export { IVariant as UnleashVariant, IContext as UnleashContext, IConfig as UnleashConfig } from 'unleash-proxy-client';


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Thank you for your help!

Best regards

bananenhoschi commented 2 years ago

Tested it also with a new angular app (ng new my-app). Doesn't work either.

wolftrax5 commented 2 years ago

I have that error too, fix installing in the app the lib unleash-proxy-client

snowfrogdev commented 2 years ago

@bananenhoschi Thanks for trying out the library. At the moment, unleash-proxy-client is a peer dependency, which means that you have to install it yourself by doing npm i unleash-proxy-client. Let me know if that fixes your problem.

snowfrogdev commented 2 years ago

This is now explicitly explained in the file as of v.1.0.3

bananenhoschi commented 2 years ago

Works! Thanks for the fast fix!