snowie2000 / mactype

Better font rendering for Windows.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Windows 10 b2004 Settings crashing #679

Open IsaiahBloyer opened 3 years ago

IsaiahBloyer commented 3 years ago

Hey I just installed MacType on my pc and whenever I try opening settings it crashes instantly. I'm running under service mode. I tried tray mode with admin but it seems like the fonts don't get rendered correctly. Am i missing something or what?

snowie2000 commented 3 years ago

The latest version still has bug with pixel font in Windows10. So, before a new release comes, try to exclude the System font in your profile.

IsaiahBloyer commented 3 years ago

The latest version still has bug with pixel font in Windows10. So, before a new release comes, try to exclude the System font in your profile.

where would I go about doing that? in the ini file? Im using XMac LCD that comes when you install mactype

snowie2000 commented 3 years ago

Open the .ini file and search for "[Exclude]" make it like:

; other bitmap fonts...
IsaiahBloyer commented 3 years ago

Open the .ini file and search for "[Exclude]" make it like:

; other bitmap fonts...

So I opened XMac.LCD.Default.ini and added it in but still settings crashes upon opening.


[Preview] Font=Tahoma Color=$990088 Text=卍 XMac.LCD 默认设置 Size=12 Align=Center

[General] Name=XMac.LCD.Default Icon=XMac\XMac.ico,0

;【自动挂钩子进程】 ;[0:Disable] 1:Enable HookChildProcesses=1

;【字体微调】 ;0:Normal 1:NoHinting 2:AutoHinting 3:Light+AutoHinting HintingMode=1

;【抗锯齿方式】 ;-1:Disable 0:Normal 1:Light 2:LCD(RGB) 3:LCD(GBR) 4:Light-LCD(RGB) 5:Light-LCD(GBR) AntiAliasMode=2

;【常规体调整】 ;-32:+32 NormalWeight=14

;【粗体字的调整】 ;-16:+16 BoldWeight=2

;【斜体字的倾斜角度微调】 ;-16:+16 ItalicSlant=0

;【只有在FontLoader=0(在下面)时此项设置才有效。建议选0,选1会占用大量内存,也没看出有什么好处。】 ;0:Disable 1:Enable UseMapping=0

;【Gamma模式开关】 ;-1:关闭;0:使用设置的Gamma值(GammaValue);1:使用sRGB的Gamma值;2:不明 GammaMode=0

;【Gamma值】 ;GammaMode=0的时候此项设置才有效 ;sRGB ≒ 2.2 CT-Default = 1.4 ;windows的cleartype的Gamma值是1.4 GammaValue=1.4

;【对比度】 ;数字越大越锐利,数字越小越发虚 Contrast=1.0

;【字体轮廓】 ;数字越大字体就越粗越黑 RenderWeight=1.0

;【文字边界设置】 ;数字越大越强调背景(类似文字边界被侵蚀的感觉),强调背景会有中字体锐利的感觉。适当降低对比度,提高TextTuning,可以使文字周围的颜色看起来“淡一点” ;再加上RenderWeight,把这三个设置的微妙平衡调节好的话,能得到不输给Mac的效果 ;0:12

;AntiAliasMode=1时,通过TextTuning分量来调节 TextTuning=0

;AntiAliasMode=2时,通过TextTuning的RGB分量来调节 TextTuningR=0 TextTuningG=0 TextTuningB=0

;【字体加粗模式】 ;对NormalWeight和BoldWeight有效 ;0:Weight值大时横向加粗,值小时双向加粗,主要是避免Weight值过大时,模式3中在小字号时加粗过度出现斩头的现象; ;1:总是横向加粗; ;2:总是双向加粗,也就是freetype本身的粗体渲染。 ;注意:通过加大GammaValue、TextTuning的值,可以减少Weight值过大的造成的效果问题,即可以在BolderMode=2时也可以避免转接头 BolderMode=0

;【字体的载入方法】 ;(注意是载入方法,不是渲染方法) ;0:用freetype载入字体 ;1:用windows的绘图核心载入字体 ;很多freetype的设置需要此项选0才能生效 FontLoader=0

;【字体链接】 ;当FontLoader=0时 ;0:什么都不做; ;1:使用注册表里的字体链接设置,通过FreeType的字符表进行查找 ;2:使用注册表里的字体链接设置,使用Windows的转换函数直接查找 ;当FontLoader=1时 ;会保持启用的状态,但是所有字体链接的处理会交由WIN32API完成。 FontLink=2

;【字体替代】 ;当FontLoader=0时 ;0:什么都不做; ;1:安全替换方案(兼容性较好),根据以下FontSubstitutes的配置进行替换; ;2:完全替换方案(效果较全面,如替换后出现乱码,请尝试使用1),根据以下FontSubstitutes的配置进行替换; ;当FontLoader=1时 ;会保持启用的状态,但是所有字体替代的处理会交由WIN32API完成 FontSubstitutes=1

;【让freetype处理的最大的字体尺寸,单位是像素,0的话就是全尺寸】 ;交付 gdi++ 处理的最大尺寸(单位为像素) ;0-2147483647 MaxHeight=0

;【阴影设置】 ;格式:水平偏移,垂直偏移,深色文字的阴影透明度(0-100),深色文字的阴影颜色,浅色文字的阴影透明度(0-100),浅色文字的阴影颜色 ;颜色值格式:BBGGRR ;Shadow=1,1,30,FFFFFF,20,000000

;【液晶显示器的优化配置】 ;[0:None] 1:Default 2:Light 16:Legacy LcdFilter=2

;【微调LcdFilter】 ;LcdFilter>0,且AntiAliasMode>-1时,该微调才生效 ;这5个值分别代表文字笔划中从左到右的笔划浓度,最小为0,最大为255 ;注释掉这个参数则恢复使用 ;LcdFilter=1,默认值为“16,64,112,64,16” ;LcdFilter=2,默认值为“0,85,86,85,0” ;LcdFilterWeight=20,80,120,80,20

;【字体缓存、内存的设置】 LoadOnDemand=1 CacheMaxFaces=256 CacheMaxSizes=33554432 CacheMaxBytes=67108864 EnableKerning=0

;【强制使用某一个字体】 ;无视所有其他字体,全系统的字体都会被这里设置的字体代替 ;ForceChangeFont=华文中宋

;【优先使用点阵】 ;小于指定字号的文字将优先使用内嵌点阵 MaxBitmap=0

[Individual] ;【单独设置的字体】 ;格式=Hinting, AAMode, NormalWeight, BoldWeight, ItalicSlant, Kerning XSong=,,28,0,, XSong SimSun=,,28,0,, XSong NSimSun=,,28,0,, XSong Sharp=,,28,0,, XSong Sharp.SimSun=,,28,0,, XSong Sharp.NSimSun=,,28,0,, XSong Harmony=,,28,0,, XSong Harmony.SimSun=,,28,0,, XSong Harmony.NSimSun=,,28,0,, XSong Classical=,,28,0,, XSong Classical.SimSun=,,28,0,, XSong Classical.NSimSun=,,28,0,, XSong Tradition=,,28,0,, XSong Tradition.SimSun=,,28,0,, XSong Tradition.NSimSun=,,28,0,,

宋体=,,28,0,, 新宋体=,,28,0,, SimSun-ExtB=,,28,0,, 仿宋_GB2312=,,28,0,, 仿宋=,,28,0,, 华文仿宋=,,28,0,, 华文宋体=,,28,0,, 华文中宋=,,28,0,, Batang=,,28,0,, MingLiU=,,28,0,, MingLiU-ExtB=,,28,0,, PMingLiU=,,28,0,, PMingLiU-ExtB=,,28,0,, PMingLiU_HKSCS=,,28,0,, PMingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB=,,28,0,, MS Mincho=,,28,0,, MS PMincho=,,28,0,,

[Exclude] ;【除外的字体】 System

[ExcludeModule] ;【不渲染的程序,但仍会加载DLL】

[ExcludeSub] ;【排除不替换字体的程序】 ;以下程序不会被进行字体热替换 ;===== Office ===== ;EXCEL.EXE ;POWERPNT.EXE ;WINWORD.EXE

[UnloadDll] ;【不渲染的程序,同时完全不加载DLL】 fontview.exe MainType.exe AxureRP.exe FontCreator.exe notecaselauncher.exe notecase.exe gnucash-bin.exe bleachbit.exe Fontforge_TC.exe Fontforge_SC.exe Fontforge_EN.exe NexusFont.exe dwm.exe

[FontSubstitutes@firefox.exe] ;【字体替代】 ;系统在调用“=”前面的字体时会忽视“=”前面的字体,而去直接调用“=”后面的字体 ;Fixedsys=XHei NSimSun SimSun=XHei SimSun @SimSun=@XHei SimSun NSimSun=XHei NSimSun @NSimSun=@XHei NSimSun `

koblue commented 3 years ago

I resolved this by entering all the non-OpenType or TrueType fonts that are installed into the [Exclude] section, not just system.

Go to Control Panel -> Fonts -> -> More... -> check "Font Type" and close. You can now use -> "Group By Font Type". You need to enter every font in the "Raster" section into the [Exclude] section of your profile.

This worked first time for me.

IsaiahBloyer commented 3 years ago

I resolved this by entering all the non-OpenType or TrueType fonts that are installed into the [Exclude] section, not just system.

Go to Control Panel -> Fonts -> -> More... -> check "Font Type" and close. You can now use -> "Group By Font Type". You need to enter every font in the "Raster" section into the [Exclude] section of your profile.

This worked first time for me.

So I went and typed in all the Raster and TrueType fonts in the [Exclude of my XMac.LCD.Default.ini and same thing. I can't open the Modern UI Windows 10 Settings in Service mode without it crashing

koblue commented 3 years ago

So I went and typed in all the Raster and TrueType fonts

I put only the Raster fonts in the [exclude] section.

snowie2000 commented 3 years ago

I resolved this by entering all the non-OpenType or TrueType fonts that are installed into the [Exclude] section, not just system. Go to Control Panel -> Fonts -> -> More... -> check "Font Type" and close. You can now use -> "Group By Font Type". You need to enter every font in the "Raster" section into the [Exclude] section of your profile. This worked first time for me.

So I went and typed in all the Raster and TrueType fonts in the [Exclude of my XMac.LCD.Default.ini and same thing. I can't open the Modern UI Windows 10 Settings in Service mode without it crashing Hi, please kindly try this file.

IsaiahBloyer commented 3 years ago

I resolved this by entering all the non-OpenType or TrueType fonts that are installed into the [Exclude] section, not just system. Go to Control Panel -> Fonts -> -> More... -> check "Font Type" and close. You can now use -> "Group By Font Type". You need to enter every font in the "Raster" section into the [Exclude] section of your profile. This worked first time for me.

So I went and typed in all the Raster and TrueType fonts in the [Exclude of my XMac.LCD.Default.ini and same thing. I can't open the Modern UI Windows 10 Settings in Service mode without it crashing Hi, please kindly try this file.

Replaced the MacType64.Core.dll file in my MacType directory and same thing. Also change the exclude section to ONLY include Raster fonts

snowie2000 commented 3 years ago

I resolved this by entering all the non-OpenType or TrueType fonts that are installed into the [Exclude] section, not just system. Go to Control Panel -> Fonts -> -> More... -> check "Font Type" and close. You can now use -> "Group By Font Type". You need to enter every font in the "Raster" section into the [Exclude] section of your profile. This worked first time for me.

So I went and typed in all the Raster and TrueType fonts in the [Exclude of my XMac.LCD.Default.ini and same thing. I can't open the Modern UI Windows 10 Settings in Service mode without it crashing Hi, please kindly try this file.

Replaced the MacType64.Core.dll file in my MacType directory and same thing. Also change the exclude section to ONLY include Raster fonts

Is the only thing crashed in your system settings App? Could you please follow the instructions here: to make a mini dump of the crashing application and upload? That would be of great help.