snowl / LegendaryClient

Custom League of Legends client. No longer in development.
MIT License
43 stars 30 forks source link

Official release date? #24

Closed yiqubha closed 10 years ago

yiqubha commented 10 years ago

Hey Snowl,

I really like the work you have done so far and the launcher is looking really good. I don't mean to rush you or grind your balls or anything, like I said I really like your work and I understand it takes time.

I'm just interested to hear your thoughts on the whole process so far and your estimate as for an official release date.

Do you keep a blog or twitter or anything where you keep people up to date?

Sorry for bothering you with this I realize you are working on it as hard as you can and like I said I don't mean to rush you, just genuinely interested.

Best wishes and a big thumbs up for all your work so far,


snowl commented 10 years ago

No offical date, although I'm aiming for 1-2 months. It takes a lot of effort to get the client working like riot's client and doing it for free doesn't help :P There are a lot of little "interactions" that you have to get right which is annoying and takes a lot of time.