snowleopard / alga

Algebraic graphs
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`topSort` doesn't know that the result of `scc` has no cycles #152

Open michaelpj opened 5 years ago

michaelpj commented 5 years ago

A mild annoyance. Often you want to topologically sort your SCCs after condensing them. Indeed, part of the point is to get rid of cycles so your topological sort is well-defined!

But sadly topoSort doesn't know that we now have an acyclic graph, so still tells us the result might be Nothing.

snowleopard commented 5 years ago

This is indeed annoying, but I don't know how to nicely capture acyclicity in types.

We could provide a separate function for topSort . scc, with a fromJust behind the scenes, but that would be admitting the defeat.

Any ideas are welcome!

michaelpj commented 5 years ago

All I can think of is adding a phantom type parameter to track acyclicity, but that seems very heavyweight for marginal benefit.

snowleopard commented 5 years ago

Although heavyweight, phantom type parameters can bring other benefits too. We could use them for capturing all these graph variations in a uniform way:

So, in principle I'm ready to consider phantom types as a possible solution.

michaelpj commented 5 years ago

Well, except presumably you want all combinations of those properties, so either you need type level sets or lots of parameters.

subttle commented 5 years ago

It might be worth looking into linear types for this area.

snowleopard commented 5 years ago

@subttle I'm not sure how linear types can help. Could you clarify?

subttle commented 5 years ago

Hm, when I actually work through what I had in mind it seems wayy more hacky than I thought it would be so I will say never mind for now and post back here if I figure out a way to do it nicer :P

chessai commented 5 years ago

Two approaches that come to mind are refined and gdp for the phantom types approach.

snowleopard commented 5 years ago

@chessai Thanks, indeed!

Also, massiv is close in spirit: