snowplow-incubator / common-streams

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Add Kinesis Sink #12

Closed colmsnowplow closed 1 year ago

colmsnowplow commented 1 year ago

This PR adds kinesis sink. Integration tests are not included here - I'll work on those in a separate branch off this one.

@istreeter assigned you as you have a dependency on this, but I think review can come from anyone so will ask the team.

colmsnowplow commented 1 year ago

Thanks @istreeter I'll take a look at the specific comments in a bit, just to address the top line question first:

What are your thoughts on adding an integration test? No worries if you think that's too much for the current PR. You already know I am keen to get this merged without too much extra delay!

Yes keen to implement it but doing so in a separate branch as I'm aware of blockers. I'll prioritise addressing feedback first, and from there it's up to you really - happy to get this merged first or wait for the integration tests.