snowplow / enrich

Snowplow Enrichment jobs and library
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Common: get rid of dependencies not published on Maven Central #24

Open chuwy opened 4 years ago

chuwy commented 4 years ago

Project: Stream Enrich

Version: com.snowplowanalytics:snowplow-common-enrich_2.11:0.36.0

Expected behavior: While importing lib com.snowplowanalytics:snowplow-common-enrich_2.11:0.36.0, it should automatically resolve the additional deps. These should be available in maven repo(bintray/maven central)

Actual behavior: Can't resolve com.snowplowanalytics:collector-payload-1:0.0.0 com.snowplowanalytics:referer-parser_2.11:0.3.0 com.snowplowanalytics:schema-sniffer-1:0.0.0 com.snowplowanalytics:snowplow-thrift-raw-event:0.1.0

Steps to reproduce: Create an empty Gradle project and add dependency as com.snowplowanalytics:snowplow-common-enrich_2.11:0.36.0

Will it be possible to set up a publish artifact to bintray ci for those additional snowplow deps. This would be really helpful with the new architecture.

Though I would suggest rather than splitting all bases in different repos, would be awesome if we aggregate all base(*common) project in one repo and publish reusable artifacts from there.

Then in snowplow code, we only have enrichers codes. I understand that this would make development lengthy but will have abstraction advantages.

chuwy commented 4 years ago

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