snowplow / enrich

Snowplow Enrichment jobs and library
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Common: placeholder for extracting client-side cookie in enrichment #66

Open chuwy opened 4 years ago

chuwy commented 4 years ago

A Snowplow user writes:

With the pixel tracker - why is it not possible to collect the cookie data set in the client browser (if exists) with the pixel request or even a collector redirect url. For example if I have a user on who has a cookie set to, can we not have a pixel tracker link with a CNAME url that then is able to read the cookie data and feed it into the event stream ?

This is a good point - at the moment the JavaScript Tracker-set cookie (duid) and the collector-set cookie (nuid) are kept very separate, but yes, if your sub-domains and cookie paths are set up correctly, it should theoretically be possible for a collector to read the nuid and re-attach that to the event.

Note that this would work well with the Scala Stream Collector, which already records all headers (including all cookies), so we could write a new enrichment to extract the domain_userid etc from the cookie in Hadoop/Stream Enrich.

chuwy commented 4 years ago

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