We are facing the below error while updating the Jar version to 4.0.0.Jar, The Previously actively working jar was snowplow-enrich-kinesis-3.9.0.jar. The same hocon file worked for the previous jar version.
[io-compute-1] ERROR com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.enrich.common.fs2.Run - CLI arguments are valid but some of the configuration is not correct. Error: Cannot parse file enricher.config.hocon: application.conf @ jar:file:/usr/app/snowplow-enrich-kinesis-4.0.0.jar!/application.conf: 107: Document has trailing tokens after first object or array: '{'
We are facing the below error while updating the Jar version to 4.0.0.Jar, The Previously actively working jar was snowplow-enrich-kinesis-3.9.0.jar. The same hocon file worked for the previous jar version.