snowplow / factotum

A system to programmatically run data pipelines
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Add converter from Makefile to a Factotum factfile #5

Open alexanderdean opened 8 years ago

alexanderdean commented 8 years ago

We need this so we can start migrating makefiles over to Factotum.

$ factotum job make2factotum FILE

where FILE is a minimalistic Makefile, containing only the following elements:

Example of a minimalistic Makefile that will be convertable:


done: run-web-sql
    / $(pipeline) "Completed successfully"

    / $(pipeline) "Started"
check-lock: start
    / $(pipeline)
emr-etl-runner: check-lock
    /r73/ $(pipeline) && / $(client) "Ran EmrEtlRunner"
storage-loader: emr-etl-runner
    / $(pipeline) && / $(pipeline) "Ran StorageLoader"
run-dedupe-sql: storage-loader
    / $(pipeline) dedupe
run-web-sql: run-dedupe-sql
    / $(pipeline) web
alexanderdean commented 8 years ago

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alexanderdean commented 8 years ago

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