snowplow / snowplow-actionscript3-tracker

Snowplow event tracker for ActionScript 3.0. Add analytics to your Flash Player 9+, Flash Lite 4 and AIR games, apps and widgets
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Add outbound queue for events using Flash storage #4

Open alexanderdean opened 9 years ago

alexanderdean commented 9 years ago

Similar to how the JavaScript or mobile trackers work. This should also include batching of events when using POST.

@jbeemster - could you update this ticket with what batching configuration options the Android tracker has?

jbeemster commented 7 years ago

Batching in Mobile is done using an upper Byte maximum. During POSTing we build a POST up until this limit and then send it off. However if any single event exceeds the limit (GET & POST) we will send it but will not check whether or not the event got there successfully.

The defaults for this are around the ~50000 bytes mark.