snowplow / snowplow-cpp-tracker

Snowplow event tracker for C++. Add analytics to your C++ applications, games and servers
Apache License 2.0
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Release/0.3.0 #66

Closed matus-tomlein closed 2 years ago

matus-tomlein commented 2 years ago


Upgrading to v0.3.0

There are a few breaking changes in this release. Please make sure to:

  1. Remove the Tracker:: prefix when referring to event types, e.g., use ScreenViewEvent() instead of Tracker::ScreenViewEvent().
  2. Use the common tracker->track(event) function to track events (instead of tracker->track_self_describing_event(event), tracker->track_screen_view(event), ...).
  3. Use the event.set_context(context) and event.set_true_timestamp(tt) setters instead of accessing event.contexts and event.true_timestamp directly.
  4. Event IDs are no longer accessible from the event objects but are returned from the tracker->track(event) function.
  5. Emitter and ClientSession no longer accept database path string for storage but require an instance of SqliteStorage (or other storage implementation, see the docs).
  6. Use #include "snowplow.hpp" to import all public APIs of the tracker instead of including individual files.


The partial changes in documentation have already been reviewed. Here is a complete PR with all the changes.