snowplow / sql-runner

Run templatable playbooks of SQL scripts in series and parallel on Redshift, PostgreSQL, BigQuery and Snowflake
Apache License 2.0
79 stars 14 forks source link

Placeholder for Golang / library upgrades #125

Open alexanderdean opened 6 years ago

alexanderdean commented 6 years ago
alexanderdean commented 5 years ago

Should we push back @mhadam ?

alexanderdean commented 5 years ago

Should we push back @mhadam ?

mhadam commented 5 years ago

I've been building and using the latest version of the Postgres driver so far, I'll stick it to v5 though if we need further testing.

alexanderdean commented 5 years ago

@mhadam - either:

  1. Update this ticket to discuss specific version bumps, and ensure there is a single commit in 0.7.0 which corresponds to those bumps, or:
  2. Push back the ticket
alexanderdean commented 5 years ago

/cc @BenFradet

mhadam commented 5 years ago

Here's the version bump for the postgres driver:

alexanderdean commented 5 years ago

Thanks, descheduling this one.