snowtrack / snowfs

SnowFS - a fast, scalable version control file storage for graphic files :art:
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.3k stars 42 forks source link

Update of windows-latest breaks workflow actions #257

Closed sebastianrath closed 2 years ago

sebastianrath commented 2 years ago
D:\a\snowfs\snowfs\node_modules\drivelist>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild )  else (node "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild ) 
gyp ERR! find VS 
gyp ERR! find VS msvs_version not set from command line or npm config
gyp ERR! find VS VCINSTALLDIR not set, not running in VS Command Prompt
gyp ERR! find VS unknown version "undefined" found at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise"
gyp ERR! find VS could not find a version of Visual Studio 2017 or newer to use
gyp ERR! find VS looking for Visual Studio 2015
gyp ERR! find VS - not found
gyp ERR! find VS not looking for VS2013 as it is only supported up to Node.js 8
gyp ERR! find VS 
gyp ERR! find VS **************************************************************
gyp ERR! find VS You need to install the latest version of Visual Studio
gyp ERR! find VS including the "Desktop development with C++" workload.
gyp ERR! find VS For more information consult the documentation at:
gyp ERR! find VS
gyp ERR! find VS **************************************************************
gyp ERR! find VS 
gyp ERR! configure error 
gyp ERR! stack Error: Could not find any Visual Studio installation to use
gyp ERR! stack     at (C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:121:47)
gyp ERR! stack     at C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:74:16
gyp ERR! stack     at VisualStudioFinder.findVisualStudio2013 (C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:351:14)
gyp ERR! stack     at C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:70:14
gyp ERR! stack     at C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:372:16
gyp ERR! stack     at C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:54:7
gyp ERR! stack     at C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\node\14.19.0\x64\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:33:16
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:390:5)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:400:28)
gyp ERR! stack     at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1058:16)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.20348
gyp ERR! command "C:\\hostedtoolcache\\windows\\node\\14.19.0\\x64\\node.exe" "C:\\hostedtoolcache\\windows\\node\\14.19.0\\x64\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild"
gyp ERR! cwd D:\a\snowfs\snowfs\node_modules\drivelist
gyp ERR! node -v v14.19.0
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v5.1.0
gyp ERR! not ok 
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.3.1 (node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.3.1: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! drivelist@9.2.4 install: `prebuild-install || node-gyp rebuild`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the drivelist@9.2.4 install script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\npm\cache\_logs\2022-03-08T19_27_[11]([20](
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.