Trying to compile with ghc 7.0.2. http-enumerator commit 758bc9b63a818568b717c0f186c11899a9f75c79
TLSCtx' is not applied to enough type arguments The first argument ofIO' should have kind *', butTLSCtx' has kind * -> *' In the type signature forconnectionClient':
connectionClient :: CryptoRandomGen g =>
String -> String -> TLSParams -> g -> IO TLSCtx
Trying to compile with ghc 7.0.2. http-enumerator commit 758bc9b63a818568b717c0f186c11899a9f75c79
TLSCtx' is not applied to enough type arguments The first argument of
IO' should have kind*', but
TLSCtx' has kind* -> *' In the type signature for
connectionClient': connectionClient :: CryptoRandomGen g => String -> String -> TLSParams -> g -> IO TLSCtx