snoyberg / mono-traversable

Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
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Add 'asum' consumer #128

Closed k0ral closed 7 years ago

k0ral commented 7 years ago

Not satisfied with the name orA...

snoyberg commented 7 years ago

How about asum? And can I recommend as well:

k0ral commented 7 years ago

Am I supposed to use gen-unqualified.hs script ? Because it looks as if it weren't used for some time:

Regarding asumE, I don't see the need to define it, mapC asum isn't that tiresome to type :) .

k0ral commented 7 years ago

Actually, the generated file doesn't build for various reasons unrelated to my change, so I'm manually adding asumC.

snoyberg commented 7 years ago
