snstac / adsbxcot

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cot_url not parsing correctly #1

Closed B08Z closed 3 years ago

B08Z commented 3 years ago

Fresh install with pip3 after a working install of adsbcot.

Comamnd: adsbxcot -A -X XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXXXXX -I 20 -U 192.168.1.XXX:8087

Output: File "/home/tak/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytak/", line 84, in protocol_factory return reader, writer UnboundLocalError: local variable 'reader' referenced before assignment

It seams that protocol_factory is not entering any of the IF / elif statments and returing reader which has not been assigned.

ampledata commented 3 years ago

Please specify a protocol in the CoT URL, for example: tcp:xxx or udp:xxx

I realize there should be error handling for that, will add in next version.