snu-sf-class / pl2015spring

SNU 4190.310, 2015 Spring
11 stars 6 forks source link

About the definition of s_execute #101

Closed jaewooklee93 closed 9 years ago

jaewooklee93 commented 9 years ago

In our Assignment08_05.v, we have to prove the correctness of stack compiler

(* Assignment08_05.v *)

(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced (stack_compiler_correct)  *)
(** The task of this exercise is to prove the correctness of the
    compiler implemented in the previous exercise.  Remember that
    the specification left unspecified what to do when encountering an
    [SPlus], [SMinus], or [SMult] instruction if the stack contains
    less than two elements.  (In order to make your correctness proof
    easier you may find it useful to go back and change your

    Prove the following theorem, stating that the [compile] function
    behaves correctly.  You will need to start by stating a more
    general lemma to get a usable induction hypothesis; the main
    theorem will then be a simple corollary of this lemma. *)
Theorem s_compile_correct : forall (st : state) (e : aexp),
  s_execute st [] (s_compile e) = [ aeval st e ].

However, I think the definition of s_execute given in the Assignment08_00.v is inappropriate to make the proof of correctness easier;

(* Assignment08_00.v *)

Fixpoint s_execute (st : state) (stack : list nat)
                   (prog : list sinstr)
                 : list nat :=
  match prog with
  | [] => stack
  | ins :: prog' => 
    match ins with
    | SPush n => s_execute st (n :: stack) prog'
    | SLoad x => s_execute st (st x :: stack) prog'
    | SPlus => 
      match stack with
      | na :: nb :: stack' => s_execute st (nb+na :: stack') prog'
      | _ => []

because of the behavior at the error state. The definition you gave forces to stop the computation when invalid operations come in, but my desirable definition just ignores such invalid ops and keep going from the next ops.

Because of such slight difference at the error state, I cannot prove the following useful and intuitive Lemma with your definition, which is easily provable in my definition. execute (l1++l2) on stack = execute l2 on (execute l1 on stack) This lemma doesn't hold with your definition, the counterexample is l1=[SMult], l2=[SPush 0], stack=[]

So I want to modify your definition in Assignment08_00.v, but I think it is not allowed, but is there any possible way to alleviate this conflict between two def'ns?

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

I think I am gonna do:


jaewooklee93 commented 9 years ago

When I did this exercise by myself in the last week, it was relatively easy one which can be solved in 10 lines of codes, but now only the inductive definition of wellformed will may take at least 10 lines.

As comment said (In order to make your correctness proof easier you may find it useful to go back and change your implementation!), I think the intention of this exercise is to show the fact that the slight change of definition can lead us to much easier proof.

I will try to think more about this problem...

jaewooklee93 commented 9 years ago

Finally, I solved this problem with defining a new interpreter which can track the liveness of program and simulate the original interpreter, but this solution takes more than 100 lines...

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

We updated the definition: 2b1591b9cf8b184dedceed37793573862836054d

jaewooklee93 commented 9 years ago

Interestingly, my long proof continued to work well even though the definition of s_executed was changed. However, I also have replaced my previous submission with much compact proof of 5 lines.

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

@jaewooklee93 I believe that is because your proof did not rely on the altered part of the definition. It is the most pleasure thing that your proof is stripped down to 5 lines.
