snu-sf-class / pl2015spring

SNU 4190.310, 2015 Spring
11 stars 6 forks source link

Midterm Status #91

Open jeehoonkang opened 9 years ago

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

Midterm submissions are graded. See:

Parkdaeyoung commented 9 years ago

My student Id is 2010-10422 and I didn't admit all of problems. I think two or three of them was admitted in the exam. Can I fix this problem ? or Should I 'admit' my grade?

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

@Parkdaeyoung I saw two submissions from you, and both of them contain admitted proof scripts for all problems. If you want to see what I gathered, please visit my office.


hyunjinjeong commented 9 years ago

Hello, My student id is 2013-11431. My 8th problem score is zero because of compile error and only I have compile error. Can I know what compile error occurs?

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

@Hyunjin95 Here is your submission for problem 8:

Your sorted_min_example2 is not well-closed by Qed.

hyunjinjeong commented 9 years ago

@jeehoonkang I made dumb mistake.. I thought it will compile well because it has no problem in CoqIDE. Thank you.

Parkdaeyoung commented 9 years ago

Can I visit your office at 4pm Wed?

hyunjinjeong commented 9 years ago

@jeehoonkang I'm sorry but may I ask one more thing? I wonder if I can get partial score or not.

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

@Parkdaeyoung Yes, please. @Hyunjin95 I will ask Gil about the issue. @sanha I saw your email, and I will ask Gil about the issue you raised.


hyunjinjeong commented 9 years ago

@jeehoonkang I see. Thank you for reply

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

Problem 8 will be re-graded, soon.

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

Problem 8 is re-graded. In short, we additionally checked if Example sorted_min_non_example2: sorted_min 3 [4; 5; 4] -> False. is provable.


ik1ne commented 9 years ago

After re-grading, my score of problem 8 became 0(CHECK). Does that means my definition of sorted_min failed to prove Example sorted_min_non_example2: sorted_min 3 [4; 5; 4] -> False.?

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

@ik1ne your definition:

Inductive sorted_min: nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
  | sort_min_init: forall (n:nat), True -> sorted_min n nil
  | sort_min_cons_single: forall (n m:nat), (le n m) -> sorted_min n [m]
  | sort_min_cons_double: forall (n m o:nat) (l1: list nat), (le n m) -> (le m o) -> (sorted_min n ([m;o]++l1))                                           

is invalid, as sorted_min 1 [2; 3; 1] is justified by sort_min_cons_double.


ik1ne commented 9 years ago

Well, Thank you for checking that out. I should have checked not only Example sortedmin*, but my own test cases.

ik1ne commented 9 years ago

Another question, in the final exam should I assume that passing all Example cases doesn't assure my definition is right?

jeehoonkang commented 9 years ago

@ik1ne You cannot. Your submission will be graded with additional Examples and Proofs.