snwh / moka-icon-theme

Moka Icon Theme
450 stars 91 forks source link

Slack icon #372

Closed rawsh closed 6 years ago

rawsh commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2017-11-14 15-09-03

The default icon looks pretty good but it's the wrong size and such. A task icon for the system tray would be nice as well, the default looks like this:

screenshot from 2017-11-14 15-10-30

NikoKrause commented 6 years ago

There is already a Slack icon in Moka:

The problem is, that the Slack app points to:


Slack needs to point to:


instead, so the icon provided by the theme (Moka) can be used.

This has to be changed by Slack developers though. You can write them a request: