snwh / paper-icon-theme

Paper Icon Theme
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Distribution Logos to Include #185

Open snwh opened 8 years ago

snwh commented 8 years ago

A list of distribution logos to include in Paper

Comment on this issue with further suggestions also in the form of a checklist:

- [ ] distro-name
JoshStrobl commented 8 years ago

Editing with more so comments don't get spammy:

Prior edit had (thus the comment after this): Thoughts on including:

snwh commented 8 years ago

@JoshStrobl, someone didn't read :P I'll include any/all suggestions.

uD4ra commented 8 years ago
IronJaeger commented 8 years ago
snwh commented 8 years ago

Okay, maybe not every one. Some of the suggestions are pretty niche.

IronJaeger commented 8 years ago

All right, so if I have to pick 3 Distros from my list , that will be: ChaletOS SuperX Ubuntu Studio this are aiming to look pretty and their users might be more interested in paper icons than others IMO

askmrsinh commented 8 years ago
Narrat commented 8 years ago

With enough free time to spare :P and still those distributions missing which were created after 2013. I would suggest to not overdo it with distribution icons. It's a neverending pit.

snwh commented 8 years ago

Precisely. Only the "popular" ones.

zhaofengli commented 8 years ago