snwh / suru-icon-theme

The source of the Suru icon and cursor set
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"Better" matching communitheme colors? #31

Closed wandrewkeech closed 6 years ago

wandrewkeech commented 6 years ago

Not a bug, more of a question about design sensibility. I have made a couple branches in a fork for matching the elements of Tweaks and Software Store to the Suru colors as they seem to be stabilizing in the community gtk theme. Is your feeling that the icons are better with Ubuntu Orange to have a more cohesive "system" look, distinct from the design elements which are communicating system state, or is it better to have more observably memetic design for the app icons?

snwh commented 6 years ago

Is the GTK theme not using the original Suru colour palette? I have a copy in this project:

snwh commented 6 years ago

Also, I have no idea what you're asking me here, please clarify (in simpler terms).

wandrewkeech commented 6 years ago

It's a question about, first, whether this looks good, and second, whether it's correct to do before sending you a PR (correctness in the sense of more orange = more systemish, more cohesive):

software-store tweaks-app

I also want to submit more (new) icons, but don't want to bombard you with trash you won't like. Right now I'm thinking deja-dup, update-manager, and software-properties-gtk (as standard Ubuntu desktop fare)

snwh commented 6 years ago

You are free to submit pull requests for review at any time. :)

The blue you've added to the Software icon takes away from the cohesiveness of that icon's design and uncessarily draws the eye.

I'd be happy to change the switch color in the tweaks app icon, if the green is what is being used in the GTK theme.

~Deja-dup will fall under third-party applications~ Deja dup is a GNOME app, it could probably do with an icon, and if 18.04 is going with GNOME Software, I doubt update-manager and software-properties will be shipped.

ghost commented 6 years ago

The blue you've added to the Software icon takes away from the cohesiveness of that icon's design and uncessarily draws the eye.

The progressbar in communitheme is blue. Thats why he used blue. It fits more to the gtk-theme.

EDIT: When the switch is activated the knob is on the right side. The Icon shows it on the left side when activated. Maybe this can be solved by mirroring the icon. bildschirmfoto von 2018-03-08 12-02-33