It allows for us to test that snyk-bulk is detecting the right number of projects at a minimum for each languages entrypoint.
For each language, test that running a snyk bulk --test --test-count returns a predetermined number of tests
Each language will have it's own series of a tests in tests/{language}
Keeping with our test matrix practice, we will then add a single job that will run a bats tests against name: Test ${{ matrix.language }}
Other notes
Long term we should plan on a smarter smoke test (ie, if only entrypoints/ is modified, just run a python language job, but if or - the common libraries - then run all languages)
a 'release' job will require all the matrix tests having to pass before tagging a release
bat-core is a bash testing framework that we should do more work around:
It allows for us to test that snyk-bulk is detecting the right number of projects at a minimum for each languages entrypoint.
name: Test ${{ matrix.language }}
Other notes