snystrom / memes

An R interface to the MEME Suite
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Using memes with WSL #106

Closed eladzis closed 1 year ago

eladzis commented 1 year ago

Hello I'm trying to use the library on a windows OS with MEME installed via WSL I can run the stremecommand on the bash command line but when I try to use it through R it doesn't find the command:

Error in process_initialize(self, private, command, args, stdin, stdout, …: ! Native call to processx_exec failed Caused by error in chain_call(c_processx_exec, command, c(command, args), pty, pty_options, …: ! Command '\wsl.localhost/Ubuntu-20.04/home/user/meme/bin/streme' not found @win/processx.c:982 (processx_exec)


  1. memes::runStreme(sequ_1_test, "shuffle")
  2. memes:::runStreme.default(sequ_1_test, "shuffle")
  3. processx::run(command, flags, spinner = TRUE, error_on_status = F…
  4. process$new(command, args, echo_cmd = echocmd, wd = wd, windows
  5. local initialize(...)
  6. processx:::process_initialize(self, private, command, args, stdin, stdout, …
  7. processx:::chain_call(c_processx_exec, command, c(command, args), pty, pty_o…
  8. | base::withCallingHandlers(".Call", list(.NAME, ...)), error = f…
  9. |".Call", list(.NAME, ...))
    1. | base::.handleSimpleError(function (e) …
    2. | local h(simpleError(msg, call))
    3. | processx:::throw_error(err, parent = e)

I'd appreciate any help you can give,


snystrom commented 1 year ago

Are you running R inside WSL or from windows? In order to use the meme suite features of memes, R must be running inside WSL.

If you are running R in WSL and you think this is a different issue, could you post the output of sessionInfo()?

snystrom commented 1 year ago

Also if you could post the output of check_meme_install() that would be helpful.

eladzis commented 1 year ago

When I ran the library through the wsl it worked Thanks