... did you look at the seasonal variations in space for the depth of mixed layer depth/minimum/ maximum temperature? You suggest the patterns represent deep winter convection in the shelf waters, yet the data is averaged over time for each grid box, and the observations contain more observations during summer months. Figure 10 is helpful to understand the seasonal variability of the classes – but it would be interesting to also analyze the spatial distribution of the depth metrics by season. For example, are the MLD and min/max temperature depths distinct in wintertime vs summer over the near coast shelf? Do we even have observations in those regions in the wintertime to identify known wintertime signatures with this method?
And R2 writes:
The authors further discussed seasonal variations within each class specifically with respect to vertical profiles and Theta-S diagrams. Did you also consider seasonal variations in mixed layer depth, signatures of WW (temperature minimum), signatures of CDW (temperature maximum) and how those vary spatially within the classes? How did you deal with the varying number of profiles per season (less profiles in winter months)? How robust are the results?
R1 writes:
And R2 writes: