soDLA-publishment / soDLA

Chisel implementation of the NVIDIA Deep Learning Accelerator (NVDLA), with self-driving accelerated
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'sbt run' failed #83

Open jinchenglee opened 4 years ago

jinchenglee commented 4 years ago

I'm completely newbie in Chisel. But 'sbt run' failed in newly checked out repo:

> sbt run
[warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies.
[warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings
[info] Compiling 257 Scala sources to /work/git_repo/soDLA/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[info] Non-compiled module 'compiler-bridge_2.12' for Scala 2.12.4. Compiling...
[info]   Compilation completed in 7.781s.
[error] /work/git_repo/soDLA/src/main/scala/nvdla/nocif/NV_NVDLA_XXIF_config.scala:62:46: not found: value conf
[error]   var arr_tieoff_lat_fifo_depth = List(0, 0, conf.NVDLA_VMOD_SDP_MRDMA_LATENCY_FIFO_DEPTH)
[error]                                              ^
[error] one error found
[error] (Compile / compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 50 s, completed Feb 29, 2020 10:10:23 AM
redpanda3 commented 4 years ago

@bg193 might forget to check, I've fixed, Tell me if you have more issues.

jinchenglee commented 4 years ago

I pulled again, this time it seems hanging...

 [152] nvdla.NV_NVDLA_sdpDriver
 [153] nvdla.NV_nvdlaDriver
 [154] nvdla.int_sum_blockDriver
 [155] nvdla.int_sum_block_tp1Driver
 [156] nvdla.nv_ram_rwsDriver
 [157] nvdla.nv_ram_rwsthpDriver
 [158] nvdla.read_eg_arb_1Driver
 [159] nvdla.read_ig_arb_1Driver

Enter number: [info] Packaging /work/git_repo/soDLA/target/scala-2.12/sodla_2.12-3.2-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.

Got stuck here for more than 5 min now.

redpanda3 commented 4 years ago

You should enter the number for the module generation.

jinchenglee commented 4 years ago

I see. What does this number mean?

redpanda3 commented 4 years ago

The number means the rtl to be generated. Currently, soDLA is only a nvdla rtl generator.