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Python client for Moss: A System for Detecting Software Similarity
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addBaseFile() doesn't seems to work #26

Closed Bhupesh-V closed 4 years ago

Bhupesh-V commented 4 years ago

Adding the base file submission/ doesn't seems to work. The code is not ignored by Moss

def code_holder(num1, num2):
    v = 0
    #### YOUR CODE GOES HERE ####
    #### make sure you save the return value in the variable: v


    return v


Am I missing something here ?

soachishti commented 4 years ago

Hi, I tried similar case using moss shell script and got the same result. Have you tried this with larger/different source code?

FTR, Message about base file in Moss shell script

The -b option names a "base file". Moss normally reports all code that matches in pairs of files. When a base file is supplied, program code that also appears in the base file is not counted in matches. A typical base file will include, for example, the instructor-supplied code for an assignment. Multiple -b options are allowed. You should use a base file if it is convenient; base files improve results, but are not usually necessary for obtaining useful information.

IMPORTANT: Unlike previous versions of moss, the -b option always takes a single filename, even if the -d option is also used.

Bhupesh-V commented 4 years ago

Not really, I submitted around 60 exactly similar python files (with no base code) and their were NO results for plagiarism

Quote from How to Read The Results

Moss also excludes all code that appears in too many of the submitted programs.

I am actually working with this will report if I find something.

soachishti commented 4 years ago

That's interesting, do share the new findings.